This model provides an Laravel eloquent-like base class that can be used to build custom models in Laravel or other frameworks.
- Accessors and mutators
- Model to Array and JSON conversion
- Hidden attributes in Array/JSON conversion
- Guarded and fillable attributes
- Appending accessors and mutators to Array/JSON conversion
- Attribute casting
You can read more about these features and the original Eloquent model on
Install using composer:
composer require usedigital/model
use UseDigital\Model\GenericModel;
class User extends GenericModel {
protected $hidden = ['password'];
protected $guarded = ['password'];
protected $casts = ['age' => 'integer'];
public function save()
return API::post('/items', $this->attributes);
public function setBirthdayAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['birthday'] = strtotime($value);
public function getBirthdayAttribute($value)
return new DateTime("@$value");
public function getAgeAttribute($value)
return $this->birthday->diff(new DateTime('now'))->y;
$item = new User(array('name' => 'john'));
$item->password = 'bar';
echo $item; // {"name":"john"}