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logonoff edited this page Nov 5, 2023 · 2 revisions



Notifications are sent to the user using an event system. Each event has a cooresponding type which defines:

  • Who receives the notifications
  • What information is sent along with the notification (context)

Email Notifications

Email notifications are handled by nodemailer. Emails are sent to the Hacklab Booking Google account in a HTML format with actionable buttons, which lead to the Hacklab Booking website.


All events are defined in backend/src/types/EventTypes.ts Here is the current list of events and their corresponding contexts:

  • ADMIN_BOOKING_CREATED: A booking has been created by a user (sent to admins)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who created the booking
    • room: The room number of the booking
    • room_friendly: The friendly name of the room
    • group_name: The name of the group that the booking belongs to
    • booking_id: The ID of the booking
    • title: The title of the booking
    • description: The description of the booking
    • start_time: The start time of the booking ISO format
    • end_time: The end time of the booking in ISO format
    • utorid: The utorid of the user who created the booking
  • BOOKING_APPROVAL_REQUESTED: A booking has been requested by a user (sent to approvers)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who created the booking
    • room: The room number of the booking
    • room_friendly: The friendly name of the room
    • group_name: The name of the group that the booking belongs to
    • booking_id: The ID of the booking
    • title: The title of the booking
    • description: The description of the booking
    • start_time: The start time of the booking ISO format
    • end_time: The end time of the booking in ISO format
    • utorid: The utorid of the user who created the booking
  • ADMIN_BOOKING_UPDATED: A booking has been updated by a user (sent to admins)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who created the booking
    • room: The room number of the booking
    • room_friendly: The friendly name of the room
    • group_name: The name of the group that the booking belongs to
    • booking_id: The ID of the booking
    • title: The title of the booking
    • description: The description of the booking
    • start_time: The start time of the booking ISO format
    • end_time: The end time of the booking in ISO format
    • utorid: The utorid of the user who created the booking
    • changer_utorid: The utorid of the user who updated the booking
    • changer_full_name: The full name of the user who updated the booking
    • status: The status of the booking
  • BOOKING_STATUS_CHANGED: A booking has been approved or rejected by an approver (sent to the user who created the booking)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who created the booking
    • room: The room number of the booking
    • room_friendly: The friendly name of the room
    • group_name: The name of the group that the booking belongs to
    • booking_id: The ID of the booking
    • title: The title of the booking
    • description: The description of the booking
    • start_time: The start time of the booking ISO format
    • end_time: The end time of the booking in ISO format
    • utorid: The utorid of the user who created the booking
    • changer_utorid: The utorid of the user who updated the booking
    • changer_full_name: The full name of the user who updated the booking
    • status: The status of the booking
    • reason: The reason for the status change (if applicable)
  • ADMIN_BOOKING_STATUS_CHANGED: A booking has been approved or rejected by an approver (sent to admins)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who created the booking
    • room: The room number of the booking
    • room_friendly: The friendly name of the room
    • group_name: The name of the group that the booking belongs to
    • booking_id: The ID of the booking
    • title: The title of the booking
    • description: The description of the booking
    • start_time: The start time of the booking ISO format
    • end_time: The end time of the booking in ISO format
    • utorid: The utorid of the user who created the booking
    • changer_utorid: The utorid of the user who updated the booking
    • changer_full_name: The full name of the user who updated the booking
    • status: The status of the booking
    • reason: The reason for the status change (if applicable)
  • ADMIN_ROOM_CREATED: A room has been created by an admin (sent to admins)
    • room: The room number of the room
    • room_friendly: The friendly name of the room
    • full_name: The full name of the user who created the room
    • utorid: The utorid of the user who created the room
    • capacity: The capacity of the room
  • ROOM_ACCESS_REQUESTED: A user has requested access to a room (sent to approvers)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who requested access
    • room: The room number of the room
    • room_friendly: The friendly name of the room
    • utorid: The utorid of the user who requested access
  • ROOM_ACCESS_GRANTED: A user has been granted access to a room (sent to the user)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who was granted access
    • room: The room number of the room
    • room_friendly: The friendly name of the room
    • utorid: The utorid of the user who was granted access
    • approver_utorid: The utorid of the user who approved the access
    • approver_full_name: The full name of the user who approved the access
  • ADMIN_ROOM_ACCESS_GRANTED: A user has been granted access to a room (sent to admins)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who was granted access
    • room: The room number of the room
    • room_friendly: The friendly name of the room
    • utorid: The utorid of the user who was granted access
    • approver_utorid: The utorid of the user who approved the access
    • approver_full_name: The full name of the user who approved the access
  • ROOM_ACCESS_REVOKED: A user has been revoked access to a room (sent to the user)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who was revoked access
    • room: The room number of the room
    • room_friendly: The friendly name of the room
    • utorid: The utorid of the user who was revoked access
    • approver_utorid: The utorid of the user who revoked the access
    • approver_full_name: The full name of the user who revoked the access
  • ADMIN_ROOM_ACCESS_REVOKED: A user has been revoked access to a room (sent to admins)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who was revoked access
    • room: The room number of the room
    • room_friendly: The friendly name of the room
    • utorid: The utorid of the user who was revoked access
    • approver_utorid: The utorid of the user who revoked the access
    • approver_full_name: The full name of the user who revoked the access
  • GROUP_MEMBER_INVITED: A user has been invited to a group (sent to the group mangers)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who was invited
    • group_name: The name of the group that the user was invited to
    • group_id: The ID of the group that the user was invited to
    • inviter_utorid: The utorid of the user who invited the user
    • inviter_full_name: The full name of the user who invited the user
  • USER_INVITED_TO_GROUP: A user has been invited to a group (sent to the user)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who was invited
    • group_name: The name of the group that the user was invited to
    • group_id: The ID of the group that the user was invited to
    • inviter_utorid: The utorid of the user who invited the user
    • inviter_full_name: The full name of the user who invited the user
  • GROUP_MEMBER_JOINED: A user has joined a group (sent to the group managers)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who joined
    • group_name: The name of the group that the user joined
    • group_id: The ID of the group that the user joined
  • GROUP_MEMBER_REMOVED: A user has been removed from a group (sent to the group managers)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who was removed
    • group_name: The name of the group that the user was removed from
    • group_id: The ID of the group that the user was removed from
    • remover_utorid: The utorid of the user who removed the user
    • remover_full_name: The full name of the user who removed the user
  • USER_REMOVED_FROM_GROUP: A user has been removed from a group (sent to the user)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who was removed
    • group_name: The name of the group that the user was removed from
    • group_id: The ID of the group that the user was removed from
    • remover_utorid: The utorid of the user who removed the user
    • remover_full_name: The full name of the user who removed the user
  • ADMIN_GROUP_CREATED: A group has been created (sent to admins)
    • group_name: The name of the group that was created
    • group_id: The ID of the group that was created
    • full_name: The utorid of the user who created the group
    • utorid: The full name of the user who created the group
  • ADMIN_GROUP_DELETED: A group has been deleted (sent to admins)
    • group_name: The name of the group that was deleted
    • group_id: The ID of the group that was deleted
    • full_name: The utorid of the user who deleted the group
    • utorid: The full name of the user who deleted the group
  • GROUP_ROLE_CHANGED: A user's role in a group has been changed (sent to the group_managers)
    • group_name: The name of the group that the user's role was changed in
    • group_id: The ID of the group that the user's role was changed in
    • full_name: The full name of the user who's role was changed
    • role: The new role of the user
    • changer_utorid: The utorid of the user who changed the user's role
    • changer_full_name: The full name of the user who changed the user's role
  • USER_GROUP_ROLE_CHANGED: A user's role in a group has been changed (sent to the user)
    • group_name: The name of the group that the user's role was changed in
    • group_id: The ID of the group that the user's role was changed in
    • full_name: The full name of the user who's role was changed
    • role: The new role of the user
    • changer_utorid: The utorid of the user who changed the user's role
    • changer_full_name: The full name of the user who changed the user's role
  • GROUP_MEMBER_REMOVED: A user has been removed from a group (sent to the group managers)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who was removed
    • group_name: The name of the group that the user was removed from
    • group_id: The ID of the group that the user was removed from
    • remover_utorid: The utorid of the user who removed the user
    • remover_full_name: The full name of the user who removed the user
  • USER_REMOVED_FROM_GROUP: A user has been removed from a group (sent to the user)
    • full_name: The full name of the user who was removed
    • group_name: The name of the group that the user was removed from
    • group_id: The ID of the group that the user was removed from
    • remover_utorid: The utorid of the user who removed the user
    • remover_full_name: The full name of the user who removed the user

In addition to the above, all events share the common context fields:

  • receiver_utorid: The utorid of the user who received the notification
  • receiver_full_name: The full name of the user who received the notification
  • receiver_email: The email of the user who received the notification
  • frontend_url: The URL of the application frontend

Notification Templates

Template strings utilize context variables in the form of {{variable_name}}. These variables are replaced with the corresponding values in the context object (see above).

Notification Destinations

Notification destinations are the endpoints that the notification will be sent to. Currently, the following destinations are supported:

  • email: Sends an email to the user
  • discord: Sends a message to a Discord channel using a discord webhook.
  • slack: Sends a message to a Slack channel using a slack webhook.

Configuring Templates

The file backend/notifications/templates.ts contains the templates for each notification type. The template field is the default template for all webhook destinations. If you wish to configure the template for a specific destination, you can add a specific field for that destination. For example, if you wish to configure the template for the discord destination, you can add a discord field to the template object. The discord field will then be used as the template for the discord destination. If a specific template is not configured for a destination, the default template will be used.

Configuring Emails

If you wish to have further control on emails sent you can configure the following fields under the email field:

  • subject: The subject of the email
  • html: The HTML content of the email

Note that if the field is an object, all fields in the sub-object are required.