A website that simply lets you test hardware connected to your device.
Testing your microphone
- Select the audio device you want to test.
- Then click "Start Recording", and say stuff into the mic.
- Click "Stop Recording", and then play back the recording. If it sounds as you would expect, then your mic is good to go! Otherwise, you should fiddle with your mic settings.
Testing your webcam
- Just load the page, a live stream of your camera is displayed on the page. There are some properties listed as well.
Testing your speakers
- Click the triangle on each side (corresponding to speaker driver). Eg. the left triangle will play sound in the left audio driver. Useful for checking if you have stereo sound.
Checking your GPU
- When loaded, the page shows information about your GPU.
Testing your Controller
- Plug in a controller, and press a button.
Testing MIDI Device
- Connect MIDI Device then play some keys!
- Update 1: Controller Tester!
- Added Controller Testing capability, and an easter egg! (can u find it?)
- Update 2: Bugfixes
- Update 3: MIDI Tester!
- Added MIDI Testing capability.
Made with 💚 by v-pun215