This application allows to manage user activities. You can register, change user profile or select users by birth date range.
To run the project, follow this instruction:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Download JDK, Apache Maven and Docker
Build the project using:
mvn clean package
Use terminal to run application:
mvn spring-boot:run
- Java 17: the primary programming language for backend development.
- Spring Boot: the framework for building and deploying Java-based applications with ease.
- Spring Boot Starter Data JPA: starter for using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate.
- Spring Boot Starter Validation: starter for validation support.
- Spring Boot Starter Web: starter for building web applications, including RESTful APIs.
- Hibernate Validator: a powerful and flexible framework for data validation.
- Liquibase Core: a database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes.
- MapStruct: simplifies the implementation of bean mappings, reducing manual coding effort.
- MySQL Connector/J: JDBC driver for MySQL integration.
- H2 Database: an in-memory database for testing purposes.
- Lombok: a tool to reduce boilerplate code, enhancing code readability and conciseness.
- Spring Boot Starter Test: starter for testing Spring Boot applications.
- Testcontainers JUnit Jupiter: a Java library that supports JUnit tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.
- Testcontainers MySQL: a Testcontainers module for MySQL.
- AssertJ Core: a library providing a fluent interface for writing assertions in Java tests.
- Springdoc OpenAPI UI: an OpenAPI for generating documentation with a UI interface.
- Risk countries controller:
POST: /users/registration
-> Register a new user.GET: /users/birthDateRange
-> Search users within a specified birthdate range.PUT: /users/{userId}
-> Allows users to update their profile information.PATCH: /users/{userId}
-> Allows users to partially update an existing user.DELETE: /users/{userId}
-> Delete user by ID.