The project is for server-client chat application
We have Server part, which redirects messages from one user to another. The Client part is for reading and writing to the server
Keeps data for online users, chats and groups. Controlls one Thread (UserThread), which reads the text that the client has send and tell the server to send that text to another user.
Controlls two Threads for reading and writing
You need to run files server/src/Implimentations/ port as argument) and client/src/client/ host and port as argument)
After starting as Client you will be asked for name and action you want to take. Now you will be asked with whom you want to start chat or group (only online people, the server will crash otherwise). You can chat with them! When you're in the chat the server will continue to send you messages from it or from another person, but to replay to them you will have to leave the current chat and start one with the person who texted you. To leave you need to text bye. To leave the server you need to write quit when asked for action.
Make GUI