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This image runs EMC ScaleIO as a container.

How to use this image

sudo docker run -d --name=scaleio-gw vchrisb/scaleio-gw

The following environment variables are also honored for configuring your ScaleIO Gateway instance:

  • -e GW_PASSWORD= (Gateway password, defaults to Scaleio123)
  • -e MDM1_IP_ADDRESS= and -e MDM2_IP_ADDRESS= (MDM IP addresses)
  • -e MDM1_CRT= and -e MDM2_CRT= (manually add the MDM public certificates to the truststore)
  • -e TRUST_MDM_CRT= (if variable is set with a non empty value will the MDM certificate being trusted)
  • -e GW_KEY= and -e GW_CRT= (public certificate and private key to be used)
  • -e BYPASS_CRT_CHECK= (if variable is set with a non empty value will the certificate check for the MDMs and LIAs bypassed)


docker run -d --name=scaleio-gw --restart=always -p 443:443 -e GW_PASSWORD=Scaleio123 -e MDM1_IP_ADDRESS= -e MDM2_IP_ADDRESS= -e TRUST_MDM_CRT=true vchrisb/scaleio-gw

docker run -d --name scaleio-gw --restart=always -p 443:443 -e GW_PASSWORD=Scaleio123 -e MDM1_IP_ADDRESS= -e MDM2_IP_ADDRESS= -e TRUST_MDM_CRT=true -e GW_KEY="$GW_KEY" -e GW_CRT="$GW_CRT" vchrisb/scaleio-gw

Docker Tags

  • latest -> v2.0.1.2
  • v2.0.1.2
  • v2.0.0.2
  • v2.0.0.1


Gateway certificate

It makes sense to have a common certificate when running multiple instances of scaleio-gw or to persist the certificate between scaleio-gw upgrades. You can either generate your own self-signed certificate or add signed certificate from your certificate authority.

create a self-signed certificate is
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout certificate.key -out certificate.crt -days 1024 -nodes -subj '/CN=scaleio-gw.marathon.mesos'
export GW_KEY=$(cat certificate.key | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g')
export GW_CRT=$(cat certificate.crt | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g')

MDM certificates

Following commands can be used to get the MDM1and MDM2 certificates:

export MDM1_IP_ADDRESS=x.x.x.x
export MDM2_IP_ADDRESS=x.x.x.x
export MDM1_CRT=$(ssh -q $MDM1_IP_ADDRESS sudo cat /opt/emc/scaleio/mdm/cfg/mdm_management_certificate.pem | sed -n -e '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,$p' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g')
export MDM2_CRT=$(ssh -q $MDM2_IP_ADDRESS sudo cat /opt/emc/scaleio/mdm/cfg/mdm_management_certificate.pem | sed -n -e '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,$p' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g')

If requiretty is not enabled in sudoers, please use following commands instead:

export MDM1_IP_ADDRESS=x.x.x.x  
export MDM2_IP_ADDRESS=x.x.x.x  
export MDM1_CRT=$(ssh -qt $MDM1_IP_ADDRESS sudo cat /opt/emc/scaleio/mdm/cfg/mdm_management_certificate.pem | sed -n -e '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,$p' | tr -d "\r" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g')
export MDM2_CRT=$(ssh -qt $MDM2_IP_ADDRESS sudo cat /opt/emc/scaleio/mdm/cfg/mdm_management_certificate.pem | sed -n -e '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,$p' | tr -d "\r" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g')

DC/OS with RexRay

RexRay, a vendor agnostic storage orchestration engine supported by DC/OS, requires a high available connection to the ScaleIO Gateway if using ScaleIO as a storage provider. Normally runnig the gateway on a host makes it harder to maintain the installation and making the gateway redundant. Running the ScaleIO gateway as a container in Mesos makes it much easier to achieve these goals. The gateway can be reached from within the mesos cluster via <scaleio-gw name>.marathon.mesos. To be able to know the the port of the container, you have to use currently a defined host port. Using a VIPis investigated.
Please have a look at the sample marathon file scaleio-gw.json.

Docker Swarm with RexRay

When using Docker Swarm with RexRay and ScaleIO, it is desired to have a high available ScaleIO Gateway. One can start the ScaleIO Gateway Docker image on the swarm cluster with following command. sudo docker service create --replicas 2 --name=scaleio-gw -p 8443:443 -e GW_PASSWORD=<gw password> -e MDM1_IP_ADDRESS=<mdm1 ip address> -e MDM2_IP_ADDRESS=<mdm2 ip address> -e TRUST_MDM_CRT=true vchrisb/scaleio-gw The gateway is reachable by accessing any of the swarm nodes on port 8443. This is possible by swarms network feature. An example RexRay configuration could look like:

  service: scaleio
  insecure: true
  usecerts: true
  userName: admin
  password: Scaleio123
  systemName: Vagrant
  protectionDomainName: pd1
  storagePoolName: sp1
  thinOrThick: ThinProvisioned

For testing the scaleio gateway docker image with docker swarm, you can try out vagrant-swarm


If you need generic help with the ScaleIO Gateway please reach out to the ScaleIO Community or the EMC CodeCommunity on Slack in the scaleio_restchannel. For problems or questions regarding the Docker Image please report an issue on GitHub.


This is not an official EMC product/solution. Use at your own risk!