This is our second project at IronHack Berlin. The task was to create a full stack web application using Express and Mongoose to demonstrate knowledge about CRUD operations and queries.
Our project is a gallery of games created by our classmates at IronHack. We wanted to have a nice, stylish dark theme, an intuitive UI allowing the users to easily register, add their games and check out other user's games and github accounts.
After you clone the repo you need to install all the dependencies.
run npm i
Then you'll need a .env file containing the following variables
If you don't specify a port the app will run on port 3000.If you don't specify MONGODB_URI the app will connect to a local database. SESSION SECRET is needed for express-sessions to hold user's sessions. CLOUD_NAME,API_KEY,API_SECRET are necessary for Cloudinary image uploader to work properly. GITHUB_ID and GITHUB_SECRET are the OAuth credentials you take from your GitHub account. Don't forget also to replace your callback URL in app.js.
To run the app through nodemon for developing use:
run npm dev
Otherwise you can simply run
run npm start
The app contains the following pages
Page | URL | Description |
HOME | / | Homepage of the website |
SIGNUP | /auth/signup | Singing up page |
LOGIN | /auth/login | Logging in page |
GITHUB LOGIN | /auth/github | Logging in with GitHub accounts |
GAMES | /games | Shows all games |
ADD A GAME | /games/add | Add a game |
DETAILS OF A GAME | /games/:id/ | Show details of a game |
EDIT A GAME | /games/:id/edit | Editing a game |
DELETE A GAME | /games/:id/delete | Deletes a game |
DASHBOARD | /dashboard | Your profile dashboard |
OTHER USERS DASHBOARDS | /dashboard/:profileid | Other Uses's dashboard |
EDIT YOUR ACCOUNT | /dashboard/:id/edit | Edit your account information |
For signing up a username and password are required both 6 characters or more. You can also login with your GitHub account and an account is set up for you.
Routes are protected as follows:
Page | Protected |
Adding a game | Logged in user |
Viewing details of a game | No |
Leaving a review | No |
Editing a game | Only user who added the game |
Deleting a game | Only user who added the game |
Seeing a user's dashboard | No |
Editing a user's dashboard | Only own user |
Seeing a user's dashboard | No |