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RESTful API server using Spring Boot framework. Finished in version 1.0.3


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KuenyaWZ API

Spring Boot API for KuenyaWZ project.

Main Repository

This project is to be implemented for our KuenyaWZ site.


  • Entities - Controllers - Services - Repositories:
    • Completed: Account, Product, Variant, Product Images, Order, Order Item, Transaction, CustomSchedule
  • Authentication/Authorization:
    • Completed: JWT Authentication

Should be noted that we'll need to implement integration of methods for the actual website business logic.

API documentation

Refer to this Swagger Documentation


  • Java JDK 21 (This project has not been compiled to JAR yet)
  • Maven 3.9.9+
  • PostgreSQL 13

Default configurations

  • Database: H2 in memory
  • Spring Boot Port: 8081 (development) | 62081 (docker)
  • Base URL: http://localhost:8081/api

Installing and running application

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Change directory to the cloned repository
  3. Run mvn spring-boot:run

Running with specific profile

Make sure the profile requirement is met. For example, to run with postgres profile, please make sure you have PostgreSQL installed and running with the provided .ENV.

  1. Add profile to environment variable: set SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=postgres
  2. Run mvn spring-boot:run


Environment requirements:

key description
JWT_SECRET Base 64 secret key
JWT_ACCESS_EXP_SECONDS Token availability until expiration (in seconds), default=3600
REFRESH_TOKEN_EXP_DAYS Refresh token availability until expiration (in days), default=7
APP_MASTER_KEY Master key for application, checks X-Api-Key header. Specifically used on exposed resource endpoints e.g. Accounts endpoints

Authentication process:

  1. POST /api/auth/register Registration to create new account and retrieve authententication response
  2. POST /api/auth/login Login to authenticate to an account and retrieve authententication response
  3. GET /api/auth/me Me to retrieve current access token's user details/account/owner
  4. POST /api/auth/refresh Refresh to get new access token (JWT token)
  5. POST /api/auth/revoke Revoke to invalidate a refresh tokenn (used when logging out)

The refresh token is generated using Java's SecureRandom and ancoded using Base64.

Docker setup

This app is made to be deployed in a Docker container. We might then expose it using Nginx.

Building the image

docker build -t kuenyawz-api:latest .

Run the docker compose

docker-compose up --build

Drop the docker compose

docker-compose down