A customized printf function for Holberton School.
0x11. C - printf
Foundations - Low-level programming & Algorithm ― Hatching out.
Project done by: Victor Hugo Hernandez, Mauricio Drada Dávila.
Started 10-25-2019, end by 10-30-2019.
Editors: vi, emacs. All files compiled on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Programs and functions compiled with gcc. -Wall -Werror -Wextra and -pedantic All files end with a new line. No global variables. No more than 5 functions per file. The prototypes of all functions included the header " holberton.h" Header files include guards.
Authorized functions and macros:
write (man 2 write) malloc (man 3 malloc) free (man 3 free) va_start (man 3 va_start) va_end (man 3 va_end) va_copy (man 3 va_copy) va_arg (man 3 va_arg)
File Descriptions
_printf.c: - Sends formatted output to stdout. Return the number of characters printed (excluding null byte). Write output to stdout.
_putchar.c: - Writes a character to stdout.
holberton.h: - Functions prototypes used by the _printf function.
man_3_printf: - Manual page for _printf function.
printf_c.c: Prints a char.
printf_d.c: Prints an integer.
printf_i.c: Prints an integer.
printf_s.c: Prints a string.
_format_handler.c: Function to handler specifiers.
The code will compile by using:
gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -Wno-format *.c
_printf("%d format %s\n",1, "string"); output: 1 format string