Author: Unni Pillai | Amazon Web Services | Twitter | Linkedin
Updated by: Vikas Omer | Amazon Web Services | Linkedin
Completed the previous modules
Let's create a Lambda Function which will host the code for Athena to query and fetch Top 5 Popular Songs by Hits from processed data.
In this section, we will create a folder under bucket created in the previous lab to store the query results produced by Athena.
Login to AWS Console:
Navigate to S3 Console in us-east-1 region :
GoTo :
Add new folder for query results data
Open - yourname-datalake-demo-bucket
- Click - Create folder
- New folder called : query_results
- Click - Save
- Click - Create folder
In this section, we will create the required Lambda Function.
Navigate to Lambda console and create a new lambda function:
Note: Make sure Region is selected as US East (N. Virginia) which is us-east-1
Click: Create function (if you are using Lambda for the first time, then you might have to click Get Started to ptoceed)
Select Author from scratch
Under Basic Information,
- Give Function name as top5Songs
- Select Runtime as Python 3.7
- Expand Choose or create an execution role under Permissions, make sure Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions is selected.
- Click Create Function
In this section, we will provide code to the lambda function which we just created. We will use boto3
to access Athena client.
Boto is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Python. It enables Python developers to create, configure, and manage AWS services, such as EC2 and S3. Boto provides an easy to use, object-oriented API, as well as low-level access to AWS services. Read more about Boto here -
Read more about Boto3 Athena API methods here -
Scroll down to Function Code section and replace existing code under lambda_function with the below:
Note: Replace yourname in
S3_OUTPUT = 's3://yourname-datalake-demo-bucket/query_results/'
with the name you used in previous lab.import boto3 import time import os # Environment Variables DATABASE = os.environ['DATABASE'] TABLE = os.environ['TABLE'] # Top X Constant TOPX = 5 # S3 Constant S3_OUTPUT = 's3://yourname-datalake-demo-bucket/query_results/' # Number of Retries RETRY_COUNT = 10 def lambda_handler(event, context): # TODO implement client = boto3.client('athena') # query constant with two environment variables and a constant query = "select track_name as \"Track Name\",artist_name as \"Artist Name\",count(1) as \"Hits\" FROM %s.%s group by 1,2 order by 3 desc limit %s;" % (DATABASE, TABLE, TOPX) response = client.start_query_execution( QueryString=query, QueryExecutionContext={ 'Database': DATABASE }, ResultConfiguration={ 'OutputLocation': S3_OUTPUT } ) query_execution_id = response['QueryExecutionId'] # Get Execution Status for i in range(0, RETRY_COUNT): # Get Query Execution query_status = client.get_query_execution(QueryExecutionId=query_execution_id) query_execution_status = query_status['QueryExecution']['Status']['State'] if query_execution_status == 'SUCCEEDED': print("STATUS:" + query_execution_status) break if query_execution_status == 'FAILED': raise Exception("STATUS:" + query_execution_status) else: print("STATUS:" + query_execution_status) time.sleep(i) else: client.stop_query_execution(QueryExecutionId=query_execution_id) raise Exception('TIME OVER') # Get Query Results result = client.get_query_results(QueryExecutionId=query_execution_id) print(result['ResultSet']['Rows']) # Function can return results to your application or service #return result['ResultSet']['Rows']
Scroll down to Environment variables section and add below two Environment variables.
Key: DATABASE, Value: summitdb
Key: Table, Value: processed_data
Environment variables for Lambda functions enable you to dynamically pass settings to your function code and libraries, without making changes to your code. Read more about Lambda Environment Variables here -
Scroll down to Execution role Section:
- Click and open the View the top5Songs-role- role in a new tab. It will open this role in IAM console.
In new tab, under IAM console role Permissions, click Attach policies and add the following two policies (search in filter box, check and hit Attach policy):
Once these policies are attached to the role, close this tab.
Basic settings allow us to configure memory and timeout parameters for the lambda functions.
- Leave the Memory (MB) as defult which is 128 MB
- Change Timeout to 10 seconds.
We are now done with most of the settings we needed in order to execute our lambda function.
- Leave all other settings as default.
- Hit Save on the top right hand corner of the console.
Our function is now ready to be tested. Lets configure a dummy test event to see execution results of our newly created lambda function.
Click Test on right top hand corner of the lambda console.
A new window will pop up for us to configure test event.
Click Test again
Alternatively, if you have aws cli configured on your machine,
Make the following minor changes to the code:
Comment print statement (not required)
print(result['ResultSet']['Rows']) to #print(result['ResultSet']['Rows'])
Uncomment return section (required)
#return result['ResultSet']['Rows'] to return result['ResultSet']['Rows']
Use the following command to invoke lambda function using CLI.
aws lambda invoke --function-name top5Songs response.json
Function should return 200 response code.
{ "StatusCode": 200, "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST" }
See response.json file for the output.
cat response.json
Let's verify the results through Athena
Login to the Amazon Athena Console.
As Athena uses the AWS Glue catalog for keeping track of data source, any S3 backed table in Glue will be visible to Athena.
On the left panel, select ‘summitdb’ from the dropdown
Run the following query :
select track_name as "Track Name",artist_name as "Artist Name",count(1) as "Hits" FROM summitdb.processed_data group by 1,2 order by 3 desc limit 5;
Compare the results of this query with the results of lambda function. It should be same.
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