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Vinicius Reif Biavatti edited this page Oct 3, 2019 · 3 revisions


RayCasting is a technique to create a 3D projection based on 2D plane. This technique was used for old games when the computers didn't have a good performance like today computers. You can find this rendering method in Wolfstein 3D thats is consider the first 3D game ever. The game DOOM uses a similar technique known as binary space partitioning (BSP), but this tutorial is focused in the RayCasting implementation only.

Programming language

The programming language used for this tutorial is Javascript with HTML5. This was choosen because the ease of implementation and because this language is weak-typing, so this is fast to programming. The other rason to this language is that you will not need a lot of resources to execute you code, just a web browser. I recommend to use some IDE, like Visual Studio Code for codding.


The implementation is not so hard, but you have to know the basics of trigonometry, programming language and graphical programming (canvas). For more details of pre-requisites, check the list below:

  • Javascript (Programming language)
  • Basic of Trigonometry
  • HTML5 Canvas