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Settings: Advanced Features

Linard Arquint edited this page Feb 17, 2022 · 3 revisions

Settings: Advanced Features

This block contains all settings related to debugging the verification

  • enabled: Enable the advanced features
  • showSymbolicState: Include the knowledge about the symbolic state, such as symbolic variable names, into the state preview.
  • simpleMode: Use the simplified version of the state preview best suited for diagnosing a failed verification. When set to false, the extended state preview is shown, that provides inside into the internals of the verification and is therefore useful for diagnosing the verification tools.
  • darkGraphs: Use colors matching the Viper Dark color theme.
  • showOldState: Include the old state into the state preview.
  • showPartialExecutionTree: Include the partial execution tree into the state preview. The partial execution tree is useful for understanding the underlying verification process.
  • compareStates: Allow the user to directly compare two states. The previews of both states are shown next to each other.
  • verificationBufferSize: The buffer size of the channel used for transmitting the verification information in kB.

Default Settings:

  "v": "674a514867b1",
  "enabled": false,
  "showSymbolicState": false,
  "simpleMode": true,
  "darkGraphs": true,
  "showOldState": true,
  "showPartialExecutionTree": true,
  "compareStates": true,
  "verificationBufferSize": 102400