a. Block Development Officer(BDO)
b. Gram Panchayat member(GPM)
A project is created by BDO,which is assigned to corresponding Gram panchayat Members. Gram Panchayat member has acccess to assign to Employees to Complete the Project.
The MGNREGA is an java application designed to provide BDO and Gram Panchayat Member (GPM) of Block Office with a personalized easy-to-utilize user experience for creating, assigning and managing the project and employee . It stores GPM, Employee and project's data records, project assignments, wage/day, Total receivable amount till current date , and other information.
It is Console based Project.
Built application within four days.
👉 ⎚ Click here to Watch detail explaned Video of this application.
- BDO and GPM can login and logout.
- BDO can create Project and GPM provide their detail.
- BDO can see the List of Project, GPM and Employee's along with all the detail.
- BDO can assign project to GPM and GPM can assign to Employee.
- GPM can see the list of Employee and Amount receivable till date according to daily wage.
- GPM can only assingn only those project which are assign to them by BDO.
- GPM can only assingn project to Employee.
- Many more ..
User_Name - bdo
Password - bdo
Functions of BDO:
- Login into their account.
- Create a project.
- View List Of Project.
- Create new Gram Panchayat Member(GPM).
- View all the GPM.
- Allocate Project to GPM
- See List of Employee working on that Project and their wages.
User_NAme - gpm
Password - gpm
Function of Gram Panchayet member:
- Login into their Account.
- Create Employee.
- View the Details of Employee.
- Assign Employee to a Project.
- View total number of days Employee worked in a project and also their wages.
- Java
- Git & GitHub
- MySQL 8.0
- Sprint tool suit 4
Valuable feedback will be appreciated.
You can reach out to me via below medium.
Vishal Girhepunje>GitHub
Author Vishal Girhepunje