An API built around a scrapper of the LinkedIn.
By making simple request to api end point, extract information like user profile details, company details, school details.
You will require a LinkedIn Accont to use it and also you will need to disable two factor auth.
Note down this
This is an unofficial API for linkedin, built for educational purpose, not sponsored by any organisation.
This violate linkedin User Agreement. So use it at your own risk.
This API try to provides users a way to extract public information in a structured way. We have built a scrapper for inofrmation extraction, this scrapper is accessed by a API built using "flask". We are deveopling this project so that we can see linkedin inofrmation from the eyes of codes.
Python >= 3.6 All requirements are available in this requrements.txt file.
We have some strong terms and condition, for use of this project. So, you will agree to the following condition before using it.
- No Commercial Use
- No use of personal information for spam, abuse, valunerability assesment and profit.
- This is an independent project. Since this project violates some of User Agreement of linkedIn. So, linkedin have right to disable you account, temporary or permanent. So, we are not accountable if your account gets disable on use of the project.