This crate is device independent and is designed to create and read PUS-C packets. This crate doesn't require rust-std.
Rust nightly is required. To change the channel you can type:
rustup default nightly
Currently Prust-Core supports the following services from PUS-C:
ST[01] request verification
Code Description TM[1,1] successful acceptance verification report TM[1,2] failed acceptance verification report TM[1,3] successful start of execution verification report TM[1,4] failed start of execution verification report TM[1,5] successful progress of execution verification report TM[1,6] failed progress of execution verification report TM[1,7] successful completion of execution verification report TM[1,8] failed completion of execution verification report TM[1,10] failed routing verification report -
ST[03] housekeeping
Code Description TC[3,1] create a housekeeping parameter report structure TC[3,5] enable the periodic generation of housekeeping parameter reports TC[3,6] disable the periodic generation of housekeeping parameter reports TM[3,25] housekeeping parameter report TC[3,27] generate a one shot report for housekeeping parameter report structures -
ST[08] function management
Code Description TC[8,1] perform a function
To do unit testing in std enter:
cargo test
An example usage can be found in Prust-FreeRTOS for the VST104.
The document of the process can also be bound on the wiki: How To Build On VST104