An easy to use Star Rating control with dynamic features written in swift(iOS).
- Using the control in Storyboard or within XIB is very easy and developer can easily see the changes applied to the control such as star selected color and Rate points in the Interface builder.
- Easy to use within any UIViewController or UIView.
- Developer can change the fill color of Star as per his requirement very easily.
- Easy and strong support of IBDesignable and IBInspectable (You can see the changes very easily in Interface builder).
- The Rate Points can be easily set in Interface builder and as per that the star will be filled.
- The fill color can be easily changed via Inteface builder or at run time.
- Easily Draggable colors.
- Gives exact Rate points in float(e.g. 1.2, 2.3, 4.9 etc) as per the your drag position.
- Default two buttons are there such as "Rate Now", "Cancel".
- Supports Multiple buttons (requires an array of string to be passed for button names).
- Easy button click delegates are provided via protocols.
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