Written in TypeScript, using UCI Engine, managed from NodeJS
Tested using Stockfish, LCZero, Beserk and SmallBrain for Windows and Linux
Also compatibile with Stockfish WASM ports like 1 or 2
npm run analyze sample/sample-white.pgn
- Initializes UCI engine given specific options in
Note: default is built-in lightweight Stockfish Classic WASM - Runs every move through the chess engine
- Calculates per-move centipawn loss,
average centipawn loss,
looks up openings according to ECO database,
finds missed mates,
notes mistakes/blunders/etc. - Optionally looks up Syzygy end-game tablebases
- Can be used to analyze single game or run in batch
npm run battle
- Initializes two UCI engines given specific options in
and runs number of simulated games from either default or given position - Looks up openings used according to ECO database
and further annotates games as they are played - Optionally looks up Syzygy end-game tablebases
- Generates final output in PGN format
as used in analyze.json
and battle.json
// stockfish 15 with nnue and syzygy database
{ "maxTime": 25, "engine": "engine/stockfish-15/sf15-bmi2", "nnue": "nn-6877cd24400e.nnue", "syzygy": "engine/syzygy" },
// stockfish 11 small // included!
{ "maxTime": 25, "engine": "engine/stockfish-11/stockfish_20011801_linux" },
// beserker 10 with nnue
{ "maxTime": 25, "engine": "engine/beserk/berserk-10-x64-avx2.exe", "nnue": "engine/beserk/berserk-c982d9682d4e.nn" }
// lczero with cuda execution
{ "maxTime": 25, "engine": "engine/leela/lc0-0.28.2-cuda.exe" },
// tiny stockfish classical as wasm from lichess-org // included!
{ "depth": 10, "engine": "../engine/lichess-org/stockfish.js", "type": "wasm" }
// full stockfish classical as wasm from hi-ogawa
{ "depth": 10, "engine": "../engine/hi-ogawa/stockfish.js", "type": "wasm" }
app that pairs two engines against each other and generates a game PGNsrc/battle-play.ts
runs moves for both engines
annotates each moves
app that analyzes given game(s) in PGN formatsrc/analyze-game.ts
analyzes pgn
generates and translates individual moves
sends moves to engine and to be analyzed
annotate results
class that handles uci protocol communicationsrc/engine.ts
initializes process-based on wasm-based engine
and creates input/output channel
downloads latest eco openings and generates database
Note: All sources are compiled using @vladmandic/build
CI tool
npm run build
Stockfish modules can be dynamically imported and used, but with some limitations as execution is still primarily single-threaded
As a result, do not rely on enginemaxTime
parameter as engine may not be able to respond to stop analysis requests after specific time
Instead, set reasonable value fordepth
parameter which automatically finishes move analysis as desired depth is reachedFor the same reason, threads and nnue options are currently not supported
But this is simplest option to try this library as simple Stockfish WASM engine is included in the distribution
Also this allows for execution on otherwise unsupported platforms where UCI binaries may not be readily available -
External Process Execution is much more flexible as each process runs independently
Just make sure to download binaries that can be executed on your platform!Btw, if you're using WSL, you can use either Linux or Windows builds without differences
since Stockfish is statically linked and process spawning will handle it automatically
- ECO chess openings database is automatically generated from LiChess Repository
App analyzes both opening in specific-move order, but also transforms as specific book positions have been reached
For example, in a sample game opening Caro-Kann Defense: Accelerated Panov Attack
after several moves transformed into position Scandinavian Defense: Panov Transfer - Syzygy endgame tablebases are provided for 4-move combination, but you can provide any variation up to massive 7-move solutions [16.7TB]
- UCI Protocol Specs
- UCI Commands for Stockfish
- UCI Options for Stockfish and LCZero
- PGN Format Specification
- ECO Chess Openings
engine { name: 'Stockfish 15', state: 'ready', info: [ 'g++ (GNUC) 11.2.0 on Linux', 'Found 35 tablebases', 'NNUE evaluation using nn-6877cd24400e.nnue enabled' ] }
options { lines: 3, depth: 15, maxTime: 100, engine: 'engine/stockfish-15/sf15-bmi2', nnue: 'nn-6877cd24400e.nnue', syzygy: 'engine/syzygy', debug: false, verbose: true, maxScore: 10, options: [], type: 'process' }
move 1 w { ag: 'd4', move: 'd2d4', options: { e2e4: 0.5, '*d2d4': 0.46 }, fen: 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/3P4/8/PPP1PPPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1', opening: "A40: Queen's Pawn Game", pieces: 32, cpl: 0.78, score: -0.28, flags: 'good' }
move 1 b { ag: 'g6', move: 'g7g6', options: { c2c4: -0.28, e2e4: -0.22, d2d4: -0.2 }, fen: 'rnbqkbnr/pppppp1p/6p1/8/3P4/8/PPP1PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1', opening: 'A40: Modern Defense', pieces: 32, cpl: 1.03, score: 0.75, flags: 'inaccurate' }
summary: { file: 'games/Orlok-Tsubodai_vs_VladMandic_2022.11.14.pgn', date: 2022-11-14T05:00:00.000Z, players: [ 'Orlok-Tsubodai', 'VladMandic' ], result: '0-1', moves: 26, decided: 23, time: 4878, acpl: [ 411, 464 ] },
moves: {
white: { best: 5, blunder: 2, mistake: 2, inaccurate: 4, good: 6, great: 1 },
black: { best: 8, blunder: 0, mistake: 0, inaccurate: 4, good: 5, great: 2 },
engine white { name: 'Stockfish 11 64 POPCNT', type: 'process', state: 'ready', info: [ 'g++ (GNUC) 7.4.0 on Linux' ] }
engine black { name: 'Stockfish SF_classical 64 POPCNT', type: 'wasm', state: 'ready', info: [ 'clang++ 13.0.0 on unknown system' ] }
starting game { round: 1, side: 'w', fen: 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1' }
{ turn: 1, side: 'w', move: 'e2e4', fen: 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1', time: 188, depth: 15, pieces: 32, opening: { eco: 'B00', name: "King's Pawn" }, score: 0.65 }
{ turn: 1, side: 'b', move: 'c7c6', fen: 'rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/2p5/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1', time: 168, depth: 15, pieces: 32, opening: { eco: 'B10', name: 'Caro-Kann Defense' }, score: 0.28 }
{ turn: 2, side: 'w', move: 'c2c4', fen: 'rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/2p5/8/2P1P3/8/PP1P1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1', time: 182, depth: 15, pieces: 32, opening: { eco: 'B10', name: 'Caro-Kann Defense: Accelerated 7 }
{ turn: 2, side: 'b', move: 'd7d5', fen: 'rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/2p5/3p4/2P1P3/8/PP1P1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1', time: 89, depth: 15, pieces: 32, opening: { eco: 'B10', name: 'Caro-Kann Defense: Accelerated }
{ turn: 3, side: 'w', move: 'e4d5', fen: 'rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/2p5/3P4/2P5/8/PP1P1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1', time: 85, depth: 15, pieces: 31, capture: 'bp', score: 0.5 }
{ turn: 3, side: 'b', move: 'g8f6', fen: 'rnbqkb1r/pp2pppp/2p2n2/3P4/2P5/8/PP1P1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1', time: 109, depth: 15, pieces: 31, position: { eco: 'B01', name: 'Scandinavian Defense: Panov
{ turn: 153, side: 'w', move: 'h4h3', fen: '8/K7/8/8/8/3k3R/1r6/8 b - - 0 1', time: 0, depth: 15, pieces: 4, repeat: 3, check: true, score: 0 }
pgn { file: 'samples/battle.pgn' }
[Event "battle"]
[Site "https://github.com/vladmandic/chess"]
[Date "2022.11.15"]
[Round "1"]
[White "stockfish 11 64 popcnt"]
[Black "stockfish sf_classical 64 popcnt"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[Annotator "https://github.com/vladmandic/chess"]
[BlackTitle "depth:15 maxtime:250 nodes:20265976 usedTime:7913ms"]
[ECO "B10"]
[Opening "Caro-Kann Defense: Accelerated Panov Attack => Scandinavian Defense: Panov Transfer"]
[PlyCount "305"]
[Termination "3-fold repetition"]
[WhiteTitle "depth:15 maxtime:250 nodes:26424584 usedTime:7143ms"]