This is my undergraduate thesis at FIT CTU. It visualises MIDI data from incoming stream sourced from samplers, drum machines, gameboys etc.
The first public performance using this system was on 9. 5. in Prague and it was also recorded.
I am a big fan of what I call glitch aesthetics, commonly seen in the context of the chiptune or algorave scenes. It consists of bright colors, glitches and general randomness. Expect this kind of visual turn-on.
The rest of the readme is mostly for myself.
- revise lighting model, make lights changeable for each song
- setup setlist on app star
- completely rework trigger times (use std::map?)
- revise count/n variables and constant
- make multipass banner standalone object
- add support for any axes in CCamera::placeOnCircle()
- replace CCamera::flow()
- create an algorithm to tessellate a rectangle
- parameter (starting from 1) is the 'tessellation lvl' -> cell count equals 1 / (tessellation lvl + 1)^2
- Voronoi diagram with taxicab geometry
- Fog color depending on the y coordinate
- Switch dynamically between ortographic and perspective projection
- Toy with glm::frustum
- Create light emiting objects via fog
- Generate random points and draw tham as triangle strip
- change directional light on beat
- trailing objects in fifo
- switch to Uniform Buffer Object
- multipass postproduction FX
- DES encryption
- diffusion
- module based visuals
- think about better containers than arrays
- use raytracing !
- When resizing window, objects keep their sizes. Also while resizing, aspect ratio specific items might bring up issues
- point light attenuation not behaving correctly
- minor memory leaks
- Chrome Visuals — very similar project done in chrome
- Thanks to Floris 'floriuszzz' Smit whose Lego Brick 3D models I'm using
- Thanks to Gurkan Te for the squirrel illustrations. As they are not publicly licensed, they are not part of this repository, sorry.