A webpack loader used to resolve alias.
Typically when we use less in our project, the less-loader cannot resolve the aliases defined in webpack.config.resolve.alias.
Many times, our less file is imported to other one, and they may be in different contexts. For example:
If we have /root/styles/variables.less
, and /root/components/button/button.less
, we need the variables.less
to be imported to button.less
Without alias-loader
, we should import it like this:
/* in button.less: */
@import '../../styles/variable.less';
/* ... other less code */
that means we must actually know what the relative between variables.less and button.less, and this is really messy.
But now, with alias-loader
, things is extremely simple. we just need add alias-loader
to less file resolve loaders, and define the alias, as:
// in webpack.config.js, with webpack > v2.0.0
resolve: {
alias: {
'@styles': path.join(__dirname, 'styles'),
// ... and so on
module: {
rules: [{
test: /\.less$/,
use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'less-laoder', 'alias-loader']
// also you can define your own aliases for alias-loader in the option:
use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'less-laoder', {
loader: 'alias-loader',
options: {
alias: {
// aliases for alias-loader here
then, just modify our button.less:
/* in button.less: */
@import '@styles/variables.less';
/* ... other less code */
Also, you can use alias-laoder
for any file typ as you want, but I really recomend it just on the case as .less