This collection of repositories is used for building Cricket
- Installing Sources
- Prerequisites for running or building
- Interpret python source
- Build procedure
- Application Installer creation
- Application release procedure
From a tar file
Unpack the tar file in a convenient directory, using tar -xzf tarfile.tgz -C destdir
Then change directory to the destdir
Clone the release tag repository from MCCI's gitlab-x server using the command:
git clone --recursive --branch <tag_name> --single-branch
For an example - Cloning for the release tag 'v1.0.0', replace the <tag_name> with v1.0.0
Then change directories to the top level of the cloned repository.
On Windows:
Development environment
- OS - Windows 10 64 bit
- Python - 3.7.6
- wxpython - 4.0.7.post2
- pyserial - 3.4
- pyusb - 1.0.2
- libusb - 1.0.22b9
- libusb1 - 1.8
- pyinstaller - 3.6
Download python3.7.6 and install
pip install wxpython==4.0.7.post2
pip install pyserial
pip install pyusb
pip install libusb
pip install libusb1
pip install pyinstaller
On Linux and Mac:
Development environment
- Linux OS - Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit
- Python - 3.8.2
- Mac OS - High Sierra 10.13.6 64 bit
- Python - 3.7.0
- wxpython - 4.0.7.post2
- pyserial - 3.4
- pyusb - 1.0.2
- libusb - 1.0.22b9
- libusb1 - 1.8
- pyinstaller - 3.6
- hidapi - 0.10.1 - Only for Mac OS
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install wxpython==4.0.7.post2
sudo pip3 install pyserial
sudo pip3 install pyusb
sudo pip3 install libusb
sudo pip3 install libusb1
sudo pip3 install pyinstaller
brew install hidapi - Only for Mac OS
- If the installation of wxpython is not success, perform
sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtk-3-dev
- Some times the installation of wxpython takes longer time (>30 minutes).
This is to ensure that the source can be interpreted without any error
Move to the directory destdir/cricket/src/
On Windows:
This show up application UI window on screen
On Linux and Mac:
This show up application UI window on screen
On Windows and Linux:
Placing of libusb-1.0.dll for exe creation
- Move to the Python installation directory
- Copy the libusb-1.0.dll from
- Paste the dll to the directory
- Paste the dll to the OS directory
Move to the directory destdir/cricket/src/
On Windows:
pyinstaller Cricket-Windows.spec
On Linux:
pyinstaller Cricket-Linux.spec
On Mac:
pyinstaller Cricket-Mac.spec
The executable 'Cricket' show up in destdir/cricket/src/dist/
On Windows:
Download Inno Setup Compiler and install
Run the Inno Setup Script file 'Cricket-Windows' which is in destdir/installerScript/
The App Installer 'cricket--windows-installer' show up in destdir/AppInstaller/
On Linux:
Create Linux deb package using Debreate Debian package builder
Run the Package project file 'Cricket-Linux' which is in destdir/installerScript/
The App Installer 'cricket--linux-installer' show up in destdir/AppInstaller/
On Mac:
Download Packages and install
To know about Packages more
Run the Package project file 'Cricket-Mac' which is in destdir/installerScript/
The App Installer 'cricket--mac-installer' show up in destdir/AppInstaller/
On Windows:
Create a release directory with release version cricket-<ver tag>-windows-installer
Move the App Installer 'cricket--windows-installer' into the release directory and zip (compress) it,
the name of zipped folder should be cricket-<ver tag>
The Application Installer must be digitally signed before it can be deployed.
On Linux:
Create a release directory with release version cricket-<ver tag>-linux-installer.deb
Move the App Installer 'cricket--windows-installer' into the release directory and zip (compress) it,
the name of zipped folder should be cricket-<ver tag>
The Application Installer must be digitally signed before it can be deployed.
On Mac:
Create a release directory with release version cricket-<ver tag>-mac-installer.pkg
Move the App Installer 'UI3141-3201-Installer' into the release directory and zip (compress) it,
the name of zipped folder should be cricket-<ver tag>
The Mac application and the Application Installer must be signed and notarized before it can be deployed.