discord.js-report is a Node.js package for Discord.js that allows users to easily create and send reports within their Discord bots. With ReportPackage, you can streamline the reporting process by providing a simple interface for users to report other users and specify a reason for the report.
- Simplifies the creation and sending of reports in Discord bots.
- Provides a customizable interface for reporting users and specifying reasons.
- Supports both text content and embed messages for the report notifications.
- Offers the flexibility for users to define their own custom messages.
You can install ReportPackage via NPM by running the following command:
npm i discord.js-report
To use ReportPackage in your Discord bot, you'll need to require the package and configure the necessary settings. Here's an example:
const { setMessageContent, setMessageEmbed, setReportChannel, setReporter, setReported, setReason, getReporter, getReported, getReason, execute } = require('discord.js-report');
// Configure the report channel
setMessageContent() //Set a Message Content
setMessageEmbed() //Set a MessageEmbed
setReporter(interaction.user); //Set the User that Reported a User
setReported(interaction.options.getUser('user')); //Set the User that got Reported
setReason(interaction.options.getString('reason')); //Set the Reason String
getReporter() //Get the User that Reported a User
getReported() //Get the Reported User
getReason() //Get the Reason
// Execute the report command
await execute(interaction, client);
Make sure to replace 'your_report_channel_id' with the ID of your desired report channel.
For more information on how to use ReportPackage and its available methods, please refer to the package documentation.
Contributions, bug reports, and feature requests are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.