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Meeting 2018 06 06

Martin Alvarez-Espinar edited this page Jun 6, 2018 · 2 revisions

Meeting: Wed 06 June, 08:00 UTC (See other locations)

Join the meeting at


  • Annual Athletics Data Conference
  • Results Visualizations
  • Reporlab's Schema



  • Johannes
  • Martin
  • Andy
  • Nicolas
  • Maxim
  • Antonio


  • Conference
  • Visualization Tool
  • Opentrack Lite schema design


  • [Martin explaining the support of
  • Waiting for the reply from IAAF to have a global initiative.
  • Registration
  • Reportlab. Paid entry system from 0.20 GBP + small fee.
  • Global price + Registration
  • Not binding -> just to check interests, etc.
  • Nicolas: We can start with something similar than last year.
  • Martin duplicate last years Google Form.
  • Andy: About the technical part, the event is on Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday
  • … Anacleto will collect all the information from the Master World Champs.
  • … If we can be great having that results in JSON.
  • Martin: I’ll ask Anacleto about this. This would be great.

Open Track Schema

  • Andy: Collecting results and visualising them
  • … Example of a TV console showing results
  • … Also we are working on a mobile front end
  • … Dynamic results according to splits
  • Martin: Is this schema stable?
  • Andy: Yes.
  • … Perhaps it’s too repetitive if you get a bulk download.
  • … We are using JSON-schema validation.
  • Johannes: What about intermediate results?
  • Andy: We use , a pub/sub service. Webpages receive messages.
  • … Information is resent every time.
  • Johannes: Have considered using MQTT?
  • Andy: It’s similar.
  • Johannes: We have something similar, and we are working on those topics.
  • … Also we are working on the visual representation.
  • … I will be glad to discuss about this.


  • [Johannes presented his work modeling track and field facilities.]
  • Johannes: Although this is not the focus of this group, we can publish the schema we use, with functional areas, location, visualisation using SVG, etc.

Next meeting: 20th June, same time

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