This is a toy memcached server inspired by memcached protocol doc.
This project currently supports only a subset of all memcached functionalities. For example, expiration is not supported right now.
The server runs on a single machine, and provides high-performant and high-concurrency in-memory caching solution.
Download the source code:
$ git clone
$ cd MemcachedServer
Install Apache Ant for building the source code.
Build the source code:
$ ant
Start the server:
$ ant MemcachedServerApp
$ java -cp "bin:lib/*" memcachedserver.MemcachedServerApp -p 11211
The server accepts the following arguments:
-p <port> TCP port the server listens on. Default is 11211.
-b <buckets> The number of buckets in the backend data storage. More buckets, less lock contention. Default is 1000.
-c <capacity> The capacity for each bucket in the backend data storage. More capacity, less eviction. Default is 10000.
Run all test cases:
$ ant test
Clean the build:
$ ant clean
To interact with the memcached server, open a terminal and connect to the server by using telnet:
$ telnet localhost 11211
Storage Commands
- set
- add
- replace
- append
- prepend
Retrieval Commands
- get
Other Commands
- delete
1. Fully support all memcached functionalities
2. Support distributed setup
3. Benchmark its performance (latency & bandwidth)
4. Periodically flush in-memory cache to disk for recovery after potential crash