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Assembly Mechs: Beyond WasmDome - a game used to demonstrate waSCC features & use cases


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Assembly Mechs: Beyond WasmDome

The year is 2020 and our containerized civilization is falling apart. A cruel and villainous DevOps demon named Boylur Plait has descended from the cloud to Earth to challenge mankind to a tournament.

Sample Match

Building a Mech

Developers build robots or mechs for competition in the wasmdome using the wasmdome sdk. There will be a screencast tutorial available walking developers through the process. Once you've created your mech, compiled it, and signed it (the new mech template comes with a Makefile pre-configured to generate your keys and sign your mech properly), you're ready to compete.


Run the following commands to make sure that you have the latest versions of all the required tools:

Install Nats

curl -sf | sh

Install Rust (Optional)

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Install Required Rust Packages

cargo install cargo-generate
cargo install wascap --features "cli" --force
cargo install nkeys --features "cli" --force
cargo install wascc-host --features "bin lattice manifest" --force

Download and Install Wasmdome Dev Kit

Source code and precompiled binaries for multiple platforms are available under the releases tab.

The following is a list of the tools you'll need to compete on or offline:

  • NATS Server - You can use brew to install it on a Mac, or run curl -sf | sh to install the NATS server on any supported OS and architecture. Don't worry, the NATS binary is less than 20MB
  • wascap - You'll need the wascap tool so you can embed secure tokens in your WebAssembly modules.
  • nk - You'll need the nk tool to generate the ed25519 keys required to sign secure tokens.
  • wascc-host - You'll need wascc-host to be able to host actors and capability providers.
  • WasmDome Dev Kit - Install the dev kit appropriate for your system. You can find the ZIP files in the releases section of the WasmDome repository. These ZIP files contain a bundle of pre-signed NPCs that you can use in your offline matches, the wasmdome CLI tool, and the WasmDome Engine capability provider.

Competing Offline

With all of the pre-requisites set up, and NATS server running (you can run ./nats-server -a to start up an isolated server that supports waSCC lattice), you can use the wasmdome CLI to guide you through the process of running your own local WasmDome arena.

Assembly Mechs: Beyond Wasmdome Offline Tutorial

Competing Offline Text Instructions

These instructions are transcribed from the video, make sure to watch the video if you have time to get more detail! Install dependencies with cargo, see the section Download and Install Wasmdome Dev Kit Run your nats-server locally

nats-server -a

Use cargo generate to create your mech:

cargo generate --git
cd your-mech
make keys
make release

Use wascc-host to launch your engine-provider. The file extension will be dylib if you are on a mac.

# provider.yaml
actors: []
    - path: ./
bindings: []
wascc-host --manifest provider.yaml

You’re now ready to place your NPCs and mechs into the lattice. You can do this by using wascc-host to run a manifest that contains your mechs, like the example below:

# npc_only.yaml
  - ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/your_mech_s.wasm
    capability: "wasmdome:engine"
capabilities: []

And then run the following command to schedule your mechs

wascc-host --manifest npc_only.yaml

You’re now ready to run a match by using the wasmdome binary included with the GitHub release zip, and running the following, feel free to tweak the arguments. This will launch a match with a world size of 10x10, and a maximum turn limit of 100, and since the Turret is the only mech in the arena it will emerge victorious.

./wasmdome run -h 10 -w 10 -t 100

Next you want to add your mech that you generated to this lattice. In the cargo project you generated:

make keys   # Generate signing keys for your account and module
make release # Build your mech for release, and sign it with wascap
wascap caps target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/your_mech_s.wasm # Inspect capabilities and attributes of the actor

Once you have your mech generated, modify the npc_only.yaml file to include your own mech, and create a new actor binding with the module key that is output from the above wascap command. Once you do that, you can schedule your mech by running:

# npc_only.yaml
  - ./turret_signed.wasm
  - ./your-mech/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/your_mech_s.wasm
    capability: "wasmdome:engine"
  - actor: "YOUR_MECH_MODULE"
    capability: "wasmdome:engine"
capabilities: []
wascc-host --manifest npc_only.yaml

Then you can use the above wasmdome run command to run the match. See if your mech beats the turret! Since the autogenerated mech does not have much logic to play the game, go into src/ and make your mech logic so you can win your match.

Competing Online

To compete in the online WasmDome arena, you'll want to register at Follow the instructions online and once a match is coming up soon, you'll be able to use the wasmdome CLI to claim a set of credentials that you can use to tell your NATS server to run as a leaf node connected to the live, public lattice where the matches take place. You'll be able to see your mech appear in the lobby as soon as you join the public lattice.

Assembly Mechs: Beyond Wasmdome Online Tutorial

Competing Online text instructions

Navigate to, click the login button in the top right, and login with your OAUTH provider of choice. Once you’ve logged in, you need to fill out your profile on the wasmdome website. This will require you to input your account token and display name.

First we’ll start by generating your private key, and then an account JWT. You’ll use this account to sign your mechs so we can verify that the mechs you publish belong to you. Follow these steps to generate your JWT:

nk gen account
# Take note of this public key and seed. Your seed is your private key, keep it somewhere safe
echo "seed value from nk output" > demoaccount.nk
wascap gen account -s demoaccount.nk -s demoaccount.nk --name "Your Account Name" > demoaccount.jwt

Now, you can navigate back to, back to your profile view by clicking on your avatar in the top right corner, and click the pencil in the top right of the window to edit your profile. You’ll want to take the contents of demoaccount.jwt and paste them into the “Account JWT” section, and set yourself a display name (this can be whatever you’d like)

NOTE: When you join a wasmdome match, you will need to use this account seed to sign your mechs or they will not be allowed onto the site under your profile. This includes if you followed the offline steps above, you will need to replace the account.nk file with the one you’ve generated in this section.

To join a wasmdome match, you first need to start a nats-server in leaf node mode so you can connect to our NATS node. You can do this with the following command (you’ll need the following two files for this to work):

domedemo.creds This file can be downloaded from the #wasminthecloud channel in slack, if you’ve registered for the workshop you should have access to this file and can download it locally.


leafnodes {
    remotes = [
          url: "tls://"
          credentials: "./domedemo.creds"

Then you can run the following command to connect:

nats-server -a -c ./leaf.conf

Once this runs and you see a message like this you will have successfully connected:

[33700] 2020/08/05 20:22:30.621379 [INF] Server is ready
[33700] 2020/08/05 20:22:30.845011 [INF] Connected leafnode to ""

Now that you’re connected, you’re ready to load your actor into wasmdome! You’ll need your mech that you’d like to load in, and a config file that is configured to load in your mech.

From the same directory as your cargo project that is your mech, you’ll need something like this file:

# your-mech.yaml
    - ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/your_mech_s.wasm
      capability: "wasmdome:engine"
capabilities: []

Here, you’ll need to change the actor path to where your mech is located (in the case where you built your cargo project for release, this would be the correct path for a mech called “your-mech”) as well as input your own actor’s module key. You can get this module key by running:

wascap caps /path/to/your_mech_s.wasm

And inspecting the Module section of the wascap output.

With those prerequisites, you can then run

wascc-host --manifest your-mech.yaml

And you should view your mech join the website in the Arena lobby.

The last thing you should do here is add in an avatar for your mech so it can be displayed on the website. Go ahead and edit the Makefile for your mech and fine the line that looks like this:

	@$(CARGO) build --release
	wascap sign $(RELEASE)/corner_turret.wasm $(RELEASE)/corner_turret_signed.wasm -i $(KEYDIR)/account.nk -u $(KEYDIR)/module.nk -c wasmdome:engine -n "Turret"

And simply edit this to include a tag for the avatar of your choice. The syntax for this is appending a -t avatar-bot-X, like so:

	@$(CARGO) build --release
	wascap sign $(RELEASE)/corner_turret.wasm $(RELEASE)/corner_turret_signed.wasm -i $(KEYDIR)/account.nk -u $(KEYDIR)/module.nk -c wasmdome:engine -n "Turret" -t avatar-bot-2

You can pick any avatar ranging from bot-1 to bot-8, so find one you like! Once you’ve done that, run make release in your mech project again, and then repeat the wascc-host command from above with the your-mech.yaml manifest. Once you do that, if you tagged your mech correctly, you’ll be able to see your mech on the arena page along with your new shiny avatar.


Assembly Mechs: Beyond WasmDome - a game used to demonstrate waSCC features & use cases








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