Dora is a risk pricing engine, part of the Watchtower platform. Dora's goal is to reduce the dilution effects when calculating the Probability of Collision (Pc) of space object collisions as part of the conjunction analyses process.
Probability of Collision (Pc) measures are vulnerable to dilutions. Dilutions in Pc measures occur primarily due to state estimate uncertainty of the space object. Dora proposes Watchtower, a new cryptographic token that can be used in a novel auction mechanism to make dilution & state estimates uncertainty economically irrational. The auction mechanism leads to equilibrium bidding behavior that reveals rational space debris data scientists’ confidence in their model's ability to perform well on new data. The auction mechanism also yields natural arguments for the economic value of a Watchtower token.
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REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js