This documentation provides an overview of the utilities and classes available in the OEEssentialsUtils
- BufferUtil.cls
- CharacterExtentUtil.cls
- DataConversionUtil.cls
- DateUtil.cls
- DecimalExtentUtil.cls
- DecimalUtil.cls
- EmailSenderUnixUtil.cls
- EmailSenderWindowsUtil.cls
- EmailUtil.cls
- FileUtil.cls
- Int64Util.cls
- Integer64ExtentUtil.cls
- IntegerExtentUtil.cls
- IntegerUtil.cls
- ListUtil.cls
- LogicalUtil.cls
- LongcharUtil.cls
- MathUtil.cls
- MeasurementUnitUtil.cls
- MemptrUtil.cls
- package
- QueryUtil.cls
- RegexLinuxUtil.cls
- SessionUtil.cls
- StringUtil.cls
- ValidatorUtil.cls
Package: Utils: BufferUtil CLASS
Sets the value of a field in the buffer
- CreateBuffer(INPUT:character):HANDLE
- GetFieldNames(INPUT:handle):CHARACTER
- SetBufferFieldValue(INPUT:handle,INPUT:character,INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Signature: CreateBuffer(INPUT:character):HANDLE
- Purpose: Creates a buffer for the specified table
- Return type: HANDLE handle
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcTableName: CHARACTER as character, the name of the table for which the buffer is to be created
- Signature: GetFieldNames(INPUT:handle):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Retrieves the names of all fields in the buffer
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iphBuffer: HANDLE as handle, the handle of the buffer
- Signature: SetBufferFieldValue(INPUT:handle,INPUT:character,INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Sets the value of a field in the buffer
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iphBuffer: HANDLE as handle, the handle of the buffer
- ipcFieldName: CHARACTER as character, the name of the field
- ipcValue: CHARACTER as character, the new value to set for the field
Package: Utils: CharacterExtentUtil CLASS
Removes the first element of an array
- AddElement(INPUT:character[],INPUT:character):CHARACTER[]
- GetFirstElement(INPUT:character[]):CHARACTER
- HasElement(INPUT:character[],INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- RemoveFirstElement(INPUT:character[]):CHARACTER[]
- Signature: AddElement(INPUT:character[],INPUT:character):CHARACTER[]
- Purpose: Add element to the array at the last position
- Return type: CHARACTER character extent
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipceArray: CHARACTER as character extent, the array
- ipcElement: CHARACTER as character, the element to add
- Signature: GetFirstElement(INPUT:character[]):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Returns the first element of an array
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipceArray: CHARACTER as character extent, the array
- Signature: HasElement(INPUT:character[],INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if array contains an element
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipceArray: CHARACTER as character extent, the array
- ipcElement: CHARACTER as character, the element to search for
- Signature: RemoveFirstElement(INPUT:character[]):CHARACTER[]
- Purpose: Removes the first element of an array
- Return type: CHARACTER character extent
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipceArray: CHARACTER as character extent, the array
Package: Utils: DataConversionUtil CLASS
Converts a string to a LOGICAL
- DateTimeToString(INPUT:datetime):CHARACTER
- DecimalToString(INPUT:decimal):CHARACTER
- FormatDateTime(INPUT:datetime,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- FormatInputDate(INPUT:character,INPUT:integer,INPUT:integer,INPUT:integer,INPUT:integer,INPUT:integer,INPUT:integer,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- IntegerToString(INPUT:integer):CHARACTER
- StringToDate(INPUT:character):DATE
- StringToDateTimeTz(INPUT:character):DATETIME-TZ
- StringToInt64(INPUT:character):INT64
- StringToLogical(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Signature: DateTimeToString(INPUT:datetime):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Converts a DATETIME to its string representation
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdtDateTime: DATETIME as datetime, the datetime to be converted
- Signature: DateToISOString(INPUT:date):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Converts a date to ISO 8601 format
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdDate: DATE as date, the date to be converted
- Signature: DecimalToString(INPUT:decimal):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Converts a DECIMAL to its string representation
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeValue: DECIMAL as decimal, the decimal to be converted
- Signature: FormatDateTime(INPUT:datetime,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Dynamically formats a datetime based on the format string passed
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdtDateTime: DATETIME as datetime, the datetime to be formatted
- ipcFormat: CHARACTER as character, the format for the datetime (e.g., 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS')
- Signature: FormatInputDate(INPUT:character,INPUT:integer,INPUT:integer,INPUT:integer,INPUT:integer,INPUT:integer,INPUT:integer,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Formats a date and time
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcFormat: CHARACTER as character, the format for the date and time (e.g., 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS')
- ipiYear: INTEGER as integer, the year component of the date
- ipiMonth: INTEGER as integer, the month component of the date
- ipiDay: INTEGER as integer, the day component of the date
- ipiHour: INTEGER as integer, the hour component of the time (optional, pass ? if not used)
- ipiMinute: INTEGER as integer, the minute component of the time (optional, pass ? if not used)
- ipiSecond: INTEGER as integer, the second component of the time (optional, pass ? if not used)
- ipcTZ: CHARACTER as character, the timezone string (optional, pass ? if not used)
- Signature: IntegerToString(INPUT:integer):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Converts an INTEGER to its string representation
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipiValue: INTEGER as integer, the integer to be converted
- Signature: StringToDate(INPUT:character):DATE
- Purpose: Converts a string to a date
- Return type: DATE date
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcDateString: CHARACTER as character, the string representation of the date
- Signature: StringToDateTimeTz(INPUT:character):DATETIME-TZ
- Purpose: Converts a string to a DATETIMETZ
- Return type: DATETIME
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcValue: CHARACTER as character, the string representation of the datetime with timezone
- Signature: StringToInt64(INPUT:character):INT64
- Purpose: Converts a string to an INT64
- Return type: INT64 int64
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcValue: CHARACTER as character, the string representation of the INT64
- Signature: StringToLogical(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Converts a string to a LOGICAL
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcValue: CHARACTER as character, the string representation of the logical (e.g., "TRUE", "FALSE", "1", "0")
Package: Utils: DateUtil CLASS
Return the number of days in a given month and year
- GetFirstDayOfMonth(INPUT:date):DATE
- GetFirstDayOfYearByYear(INPUT:integer):DATE
- GetISOWeekNumber(INPUT:date):INTEGER
- GetLastDayOfYear(INPUT:date):DATE
- NumDaysInMonth(INPUT:integer,INPUT:integer):INTEGER
- Signature: GetFirstDayOfMonth(INPUT:date):DATE
- Purpose: Return the first day of the month of a given date
- Return type: DATE date
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdDate: DATE as date, the date to get the first day of the month for
- Signature: GetFirstDayOfYearByYear(INPUT:integer):DATE
- Purpose: Return the first day of the year of a given year
- Return type: DATE date
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipiYear: INTEGER as integer, the year to get the first day of
- Signature: GetISOWeekNumber(INPUT:date):INTEGER
- Purpose: Return the week number of a given date
- Return type: INTEGER integer
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdDate: DATE as date, the date to get the week number for
- Signature: GetLastDayOfYear(INPUT:date):DATE
- Purpose: Return the last day of the year of a given date
- Return type: DATE date
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdDate: DATE as date, the date to get the last day of the year for
- Signature: NumDaysInMonth(INPUT:integer,INPUT:integer):INTEGER
- Purpose: Return the number of days in a given month and year
- Return type: INTEGER integer
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipiMonth: INTEGER as integer, the month
- ipiYear: INTEGER as integer, the year
Package: Utils: DecimalExtentUtil CLASS
Removes the first element of an array
- AddElement(INPUT:decimal[],INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL[]
- GetAverage(INPUT:decimal[]):DECIMAL
- GetLastElement(INPUT:decimal[]):DECIMAL
- GetMinValue(INPUT:decimal[]):DECIMAL
- HasElement(INPUT:decimal[],INPUT:decimal):LOGICAL
- RemoveFirstElement(INPUT:decimal[]):DECIMAL[]
- Signature: AddElement(INPUT:decimal[],INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL[]
- Purpose: Add element to the array at the last position
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal extent
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeeArray: DECIMAL as decimal extent, the array
- ipdeElement: DECIMAL as decimal, the element to add
- Signature: GetAverage(INPUT:decimal[]):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Returns the average of all elements in an array
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeeArray: DECIMAL as decimal extent, the array
- Signature: GetLastElement(INPUT:decimal[]):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Returns the last element of an array
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeeArray: DECIMAL as decimal extent, the array
- Signature: GetMinValue(INPUT:decimal[]):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Returns the minimum value of an array
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeeArray: DECIMAL
- Signature: HasElement(INPUT:decimal[],INPUT:decimal):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if array contains an element
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeeArray: DECIMAL as decimal extent, the array
- ipdeElement: DECIMAL as decimal, the element to search for
- Signature: RemoveFirstElement(INPUT:decimal[]):DECIMAL[]
- Purpose: Removes the first element of an array
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal extent
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeeArray: DECIMAL as decimal extent, the array
Package: Utils: DecimalUtil CLASS
Round a decimal to an integer value
- Abs(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- IsNegative(INPUT:decimal):LOGICAL
- IsNotNullOrZero(INPUT:decimal):LOGICAL
- IsNull(INPUT:decimal):LOGICAL
- IsPositive(INPUT:decimal):LOGICAL
- RoundDecimal(INPUT:decimal):INTEGER
- Signature: Abs(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Return the absolute value of a given decimal
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeDecimal: DECIMAL as decimal, the decimal to convert
- Signature: IsNegative(INPUT:decimal):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if a given decimal is negative
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeDecimal: DECIMAL as decimal, the decimal to check
- Signature: IsNotNullOrZero(INPUT:decimal):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if a given decimal is different from null and zero
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeDecimal: DECIMAL as decimal, the decimal to check
- Signature: IsNull(INPUT:decimal):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if a given decimal is null
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeDecimal: DECIMAL as decimal, the decimal to check
- Signature: IsPositive(INPUT:decimal):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if a given decimal is positive
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeDecimal: DECIMAL as decimal, the decimal to check
- Signature: RoundDecimal(INPUT:decimal):INTEGER
- Purpose: Round a decimal to an integer value
- Return type: INTEGER integer
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeDecimal: DECIMAL as decimal, the decimal to round
Package: Utils: EmailSenderUnixUtil CLASS
Send an email on Linux using curl
- Signature: SendEmail(INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:integer,INPUT:character,INPUT:character)
- Purpose: Send an email on Linux using curl
- Return type: VOID
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcToEmails: CHARACTER as character, the list of recipient emails, separated by commas
- ipcFromEmail: CHARACTER as character, the sender's email address
- ipcSubject: CHARACTER as character, the email subject
- ipcBody: CHARACTER as character, the email body
- ipcSmtpHost: CHARACTER as character, the SMTP host
- ipcSmtpPort: INTEGER as integer, the SMTP port
- ipcSmtpUser: CHARACTER as character, the SMTP username
- ipcSmtpPassword: CHARACTER as character, the SMTP password
Package: Utils: EmailSenderWindowsUtil CLASS
Send an email on Windows
- Signature: SendEmail(INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:character)
- Purpose: Send an email on Windows
- Return type: VOID
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcToEmails: CHARACTER as character, the list of recipient emails separated by commas
- ipcFromEmail: CHARACTER as character, the sender's email address
- ipcFromUserName: CHARACTER as character, the sender's username
- ipcSubject: CHARACTER as character, the subject of the email
- ipcBody: CHARACTER as character, the body of the email
Package: Utils: EmailUtil CLASS
Return the domain of an email
- Signature: GetDomain(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Return the domain of an email
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcEmail: CHARACTER as character, the email string to get the domain from
Package: Utils: FileUtil CLASS
Normalize a path for Unix systems
- CopyFile(INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- DeleteEmptyFolders(INPUT:character)
- FindFile(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- GetFileExtension(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- GetParentFolder(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- GetParentFolderWindows(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- NormalizePath(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Signature: CopyFile(INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Copy a file from one location to another
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcSourcePath: CHARACTER as character, the path for the file to copy
- ipcTargetPath: CHARACTER as character, the path where the file will be copied
- ipcFileName: CHARACTER as character, the name for the copied file
- Signature: DeleteEmptyFolders(INPUT:character)
- Purpose: Delete all empty folders
- Return type: VOID
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcPath: CHARACTER as character, the path to start the delete process
- Signature: FindFile(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Get the full path for the file
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcPath: CHARACTER as character, the path
- Signature: GetFileExtension(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Get the file extension
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcPath: CHARACTER as character, the path to the file
- Signature: GetParentFolder(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Get the parent folder
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcPath: CHARACTER as character, the path to the folder
- Signature: GetParentFolderWindows(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Get the parent folder for Windows
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcPath: CHARACTER as character, the path to the folder
- Signature: NormalizePath(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Normalize a path for Unix systems
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcPath: CHARACTER as character, the path to be normalized
Package: Utils: Int64Util CLASS
Check if a given int64 is zero
- GenerateRandomInt64(INPUT:int64,INPUT:int64):INT64
- IsNotNullOrZero(INPUT:int64):LOGICAL
- IsNull(INPUT:int64):LOGICAL
- IsZero(INPUT:int64):LOGICAL
- Signature: GenerateRandomInt64(INPUT:int64,INPUT:int64):INT64
- Purpose: Generate a random int64 within a specified range
- Return type: INT64 int64
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipi64RangeStart: INT64 as int64, the start of the range
- ipi64RangeEnd: INT64 as int64, the end of the range
- Signature: IsNotNullOrZero(INPUT:int64):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if a given int64 is different from null and zero
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipi64Element: INT64 as int64, the int64 to check
- Signature: IsNull(INPUT:int64):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if a given int64 is null
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipi64Element: INT64 as int64, the int64 to check
- Signature: IsZero(INPUT:int64):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if a given int64 is zero
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipi64Element: INT64 as int64, the int64 to check
Package: Utils: Integer64ExtentUtil CLASS
Removes the first element of an array
- AddElement(INPUT:int64[],INPUT:int64):INT64[]
- GetAverage(INPUT:int64[]):DECIMAL
- GetLastElement(INPUT:int64[]):INT64
- GetMinValue(INPUT:int64[]):INT64
- HasElement(INPUT:int64[],INPUT:int64):LOGICAL
- RemoveFirstElement(INPUT:int64[]):INT64[]
- Signature: AddElement(INPUT:int64[],INPUT:int64):INT64[]
- Purpose: Add an element to the array at the last position
- Return type: INT64 int64 extent
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipi64eArray: INT64 as int64 extent, the array
- ipi64Element: INT64 as int64, the element to add
- Signature: GetAverage(INPUT:int64[]):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Returns the average of all elements in an array
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipi64eArray: INT64 as int64 extent, the array
- Signature: GetLastElement(INPUT:int64[]):INT64
- Purpose: Returns the last element of an array
- Return type: INT64 int64
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipi64eArray: INT64 as int64 extent, the array
- Signature: GetMinValue(INPUT:int64[]):INT64
- Purpose: Returns the minimum value of an array
- Return type: INT64 int64
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipi64eArray: INT64 as int64 extent, the array
- Signature: HasElement(INPUT:int64[],INPUT:int64):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if an array contains a specific element
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipi64eArray: INT64 as int64 extent, the array
- ipi64Element: INT64 as int64, the element to search for
- Signature: RemoveFirstElement(INPUT:int64[]):INT64[]
- Purpose: Removes the first element of an array
- Return type: INT64 int64 extent
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipi64eArray: INT64 as int64 extent, the array
Package: Utils: IntegerExtentUtil CLASS
Removes the first element of an array
- AddElement(INPUT:integer[],INPUT:integer):INTEGER[]
- GetAverage(INPUT:integer[]):DECIMAL
- GetLastElement(INPUT:integer[]):INTEGER
- GetMinValue(INPUT:integer[]):INTEGER
- HasElement(INPUT:integer[],INPUT:integer):LOGICAL
- RemoveFirstElement(INPUT:integer[]):INTEGER[]
- Signature: AddElement(INPUT:integer[],INPUT:integer):INTEGER[]
- Purpose: Add an element to the array at the last position
- Return type: INTEGER integer extent
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipieArray: INTEGER as integer extent, the array
- ipiElement: INTEGER as integer, the element to add
- Signature: GetAverage(INPUT:integer[]):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Returns the average of all elements in an array
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipieArray: INTEGER as integer extent, the array
- Signature: GetLastElement(INPUT:integer[]):INTEGER
- Purpose: Returns the last element of an array
- Return type: INTEGER integer
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipieArray: INTEGER as integer extent, the array
- Signature: GetMinValue(INPUT:integer[]):INTEGER
- Purpose: Returns the minimum value of an array
- Return type: INTEGER integer
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipieArray: INTEGER as integer extent, the array
- Signature: HasElement(INPUT:integer[],INPUT:integer):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if an array contains a specific element
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipieArray: INTEGER as integer extent, the array
- ipiElement: INTEGER as integer, the element to search for
- Signature: RemoveFirstElement(INPUT:integer[]):INTEGER[]
- Purpose: Removes the first element of an array
- Return type: INTEGER integer extent
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipieArray: INTEGER as integer extent, the array
Package: Utils: IntegerUtil CLASS
Converts a given integer to its string representation
- Abs(INPUT:integer):INTEGER
- IsEven(INPUT:integer):LOGICAL
- IsNotNull(INPUT:integer):LOGICAL
- IsNotZero(INPUT:integer):LOGICAL
- IsNullOrZero(INPUT:integer):LOGICAL
- IsPositive(INPUT:integer):LOGICAL
- ToString(INPUT:integer):CHARACTER
- Signature: Abs(INPUT:integer):INTEGER
- Purpose: Returns the absolute value of a given integer
- Return type: INTEGER integer
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipiInteger: INTEGER as integer, the integer to check
- Signature: IsEven(INPUT:integer):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if a given integer is even
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipiInteger: INTEGER as integer, the integer to check
- Signature: IsNotNull(INPUT:integer):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if a given integer is not null
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipiInteger: INTEGER as integer, the integer to check
- Signature: IsNotZero(INPUT:integer):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if a given integer is not zero
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipiInteger: INTEGER as integer, the integer to check
- Signature: IsNullOrZero(INPUT:integer):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if a given integer is either null or zero
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipiInteger: INTEGER as integer, the integer to check
- Signature: IsPositive(INPUT:integer):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if a given integer is positive
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipiInteger: INTEGER as integer, the integer to check
- Signature: ToString(INPUT:integer):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Converts a given integer to its string representation
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipiInteger: INTEGER as integer, the integer to be converted
Package: Utils: ListUtil CLASS
Sorts the elements in the list using the default comparer
- AddElement(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- AddElement(INPUT:List,INPUT:string)
- AddElementByPosition(INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:integer):CHARACTER
- GetFirstElement(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- GetFirstElement(INPUT:List):CHARACTER
- GetLastElement(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- HasDuplicates(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- HasDuplicates(INPUT:List):LOGICAL
- HasElement(INPUT:List,INPUT:string):LOGICAL
- HasEmptyElements(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- RemoveElement(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- RemoveElement(INPUT:List,INPUT:string)
- RemoveElementByPosition(INPUT:character,INPUT:integer,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- RemoveEmptyElements(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- RemoveEmptyElements(INPUT:List)
- SortList(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Signature: AddElement(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Adds a new element at the end of the list
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to add the element to
- ipcElement: CHARACTER as character, the element to add
- Signature: AddElement(INPUT:List,INPUT:string)
- Purpose: Adds a new element at the end of the list
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to add the element to
- ipcElement: CHARACTER as character, the element to add
- Signature: AddElementByPosition(INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:integer):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Adds a new list element at the specified position
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to add the element to
- ipcElement: CHARACTER as character, the element to add
- ipcSeparator: CHARACTER as character, the list separator
- ipiPosition: INTEGER as integer, the position to add the element to
- Signature: GetFirstElement(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Returns the first element from the list
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list
- Signature: GetFirstElement(INPUT:List):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Returns the first element from the list
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list
- Signature: GetLastElement(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Returns the last element from the list
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list
- Signature: HasDuplicates(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if the list has any duplicate elements
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to check
- Signature: HasDuplicates(INPUT:List):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if the list has any duplicate elements
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to check
- Signature: HasElement(INPUT:List,INPUT:string):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if the list contains a specific element
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to search in
- ipcElement: CHARACTER as character, the element to search for
- Signature: HasEmptyElements(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if the list has any empty elements
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to check
- Signature: RemoveElement(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Removes an element from the list
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to remove the element from
- ipcElement: CHARACTER as character, the element to remove
- Signature: RemoveElement(INPUT:List,INPUT:string)
- Purpose: Removes an element from the list
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to remove the element from
- ipcElement: CHARACTER as character, the element to remove
- Signature: RemoveElementByPosition(INPUT:character,INPUT:integer,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Removes an element at the specified position
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to remove the element from
- ipiPosition: INTEGER as integer, the position of the element to remove
- Signature: RemoveEmptyElements(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Removes all empty elements from the list
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to clean
- Signature: RemoveEmptyElements(INPUT:List)
- Purpose: Removes all empty elements from the list
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to clean
- Signature: SortList(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Sorts the elements in the list using the default comparer
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcList: CHARACTER as character, the list to sort
Package: Utils: LogicalUtil CLASS
Converts a logical value to its string representation
- IsFalse(INPUT:logical):LOGICAL
- IsNull(INPUT:logical):LOGICAL
- LogicalAnd(INPUT:logical,INPUT:logical):LOGICAL
- LogicalOr(INPUT:logical,INPUT:logical):LOGICAL
- ToString(INPUT:logical):CHARACTER
- Signature: IsFalse(INPUT:logical):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if a logical value is explicitly FALSE
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplValue: LOGICAL as logical, the logical value to check
- Signature: IsNull(INPUT:logical):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Checks if a logical value is null
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplValue: LOGICAL as logical, the logical value to check
- Signature: LogicalAnd(INPUT:logical,INPUT:logical):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Performs a logical AND operation between two logical values
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplValue1: LOGICAL as logical, the first logical value
- iplValue2: LOGICAL as logical, the second logical value
- Signature: LogicalOr(INPUT:logical,INPUT:logical):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Performs a logical OR operation between two logical values
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplValue1: LOGICAL as logical, the first logical value
- iplValue2: LOGICAL as logical, the second logical value
- Signature: ToString(INPUT:logical):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Converts a logical value to its string representation
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplValue: LOGICAL as logical, the logical value to convert
Package: Utils: LongcharUtil CLASS
Format a string to PascalCase
- ContainsNumber(INPUT:longchar):LOGICAL
- IsEmpty(INPUT:longchar):LOGICAL
- IsNotEmpty(INPUT:longchar):LOGICAL
- IsNotNullOrEmpty(INPUT:longchar):LOGICAL
- IsNullOrEmpty(INPUT:longchar):LOGICAL
- Quote(INPUT:longchar):LONGCHAR
- SetTokenValueInString(INPUT:longchar,INPUT:longchar,INPUT:integer):LONGCHAR
- StartWithLowercase(INPUT:longchar):LONGCHAR
- StringToPascalCase(INPUT:longchar,INPUT:character):LONGCHAR
- Signature: ContainsNumber(INPUT:longchar):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if a string contains a number
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplcString: LONGCHAR as longchar, the string to check
- Signature: IsEmpty(INPUT:longchar):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if a string is empty
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplcString: LONGCHAR as longchar, the string to check
- Signature: IsNotEmpty(INPUT:longchar):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if a string is not empty
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplcString: LONGCHAR as longchar, the string to check
- Signature: IsNotNullOrEmpty(INPUT:longchar):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if a string is not null or empty
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplcString: LONGCHAR as longchar, the string to check
- Signature: IsNullOrEmpty(INPUT:longchar):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if a string is null or empty
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplcString: LONGCHAR as longchar, the string to check
- Signature: Quote(INPUT:longchar):LONGCHAR
- Purpose: Add quotes to a string
- Return type: LONGCHAR longchar
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplcString: LONGCHAR as longchar, the string to modify
- Signature: SetTokenValueInString(INPUT:longchar,INPUT:longchar,INPUT:integer):LONGCHAR
- Purpose: Set the value of a token in a tokenized string
- Return type: LONGCHAR longchar
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplcString: LONGCHAR as longchar, the tokenized string
- iplcTokenValue: LONGCHAR as longchar, the token value to set
- ipiPosition: INTEGER as integer, the position of the token
- Signature: StartWithLowercase(INPUT:longchar):LONGCHAR
- Purpose: Lowercase the first letter of a string
- Return type: LONGCHAR longchar
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplcString: LONGCHAR as longchar, the string to modify
- Signature: StringToPascalCase(INPUT:longchar,INPUT:character):LONGCHAR
- Purpose: Format a string to PascalCase
- Return type: LONGCHAR longchar
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iplcString: LONGCHAR as longchar, the string to modify
- ipcSeparator: CHARACTER as character, the string separator
Package: Utils: MathUtil CLASS
Calculate the number of days until the next birthday from today
- CalculateAge(INPUT:date):INTEGER
- CalculateCos(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- CalculateSin(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- CosDegrees(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- RoundDown(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- RoundToWhole(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- SinDegrees(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- TanDegrees(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- TimeUntilBirthday(INPUT:date):INTEGER
- Signature: CalculateAge(INPUT:date):INTEGER
- Purpose: Calculate the age in years based on a birthdate
- Return type: INTEGER integer
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdBirthDate: DATE as date, the date of birth
- Signature: CalculateCos(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Calculate the cosine using libm
- Return type: System
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeAngle: System.Decimal as decimal, the angle in radians
- Signature: CalculateSin(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Calculate the sine using libm
- Return type: System
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeAngle: System.Decimal as decimal, the angle in radians
- Signature: CosDegrees(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Calculate the cosine of an angle in degrees
- Return type: System
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeDegrees: System.Decimal as decimal, the angle in degrees
- Signature: RoundDown(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Rounds a decimal value down to the nearest whole number
- Return type: System
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeValue: System.Decimal as decimal, the value to round down
- Signature: RoundToWhole(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Rounds a decimal value to the nearest whole number
- Return type: System
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeValue: System.Decimal as decimal, the value to round
- Signature: SinDegrees(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Calculate the sine of an angle in degrees
- Return type: System
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeDegrees: System.Decimal as decimal, the angle in degrees
- Signature: TanDegrees(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Calculate the tangent of an angle in degrees
- Return type: System
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeDegrees: System.Decimal as decimal, the angle in degrees
- Signature: TimeUntilBirthday(INPUT:date):INTEGER
- Purpose: Calculate the number of days until the next birthday from today
- Return type: INTEGER integer
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdBirthDate: DATE as date, the date of birth
Package: Utils: MeasurementUnitUtil CLASS
Convert US Gallons to Liters
- CelsiusToFahrenheit(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- FahrenheitToCelsius(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- GramsToOunces(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- KilogramsToPounds(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- KilometersToMiles(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- LitersToQuarts(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- MetersToFeet(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- MilesToKilometers(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- PintsToLiters(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- QuartsToLiters(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- USGallonsToLiters(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Signature: CelsiusToFahrenheit(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeCelsius: DECIMAL as decimal, the temperature in Celsius
- Signature: FahrenheitToCelsius(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeFahrenheit: DECIMAL as decimal, the temperature in Fahrenheit
- Signature: GramsToOunces(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Convert Grams to Ounces
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeGrams: DECIMAL as decimal, the value in grams
- Signature: KilogramsToPounds(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Convert Kilograms to Pounds
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeKilograms: DECIMAL as decimal, the value in kilograms
- Signature: KilometersToMiles(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Convert Kilometers to Miles
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeKilometers: DECIMAL as decimal, the value in kilometers
- Signature: LitersToQuarts(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Convert Liters to Quarts
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeLiters: DECIMAL as decimal, the value in liters
- Signature: MetersToFeet(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Convert Meters to Feet
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeMeters: DECIMAL as decimal, the value in meters
- Signature: MilesToKilometers(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Convert Miles to Kilometers
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeMiles: DECIMAL as decimal, the value in miles
- Signature: PintsToLiters(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Convert Pints to Liters
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdePints: DECIMAL as decimal, the value in pints
- Signature: QuartsToLiters(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Convert Quarts to Liters
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeQuarts: DECIMAL as decimal, the value in quarts
- Signature: USGallonsToLiters(INPUT:decimal):DECIMAL
- Purpose: Convert US Gallons to Liters
- Return type: DECIMAL decimal
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipdeGallons: DECIMAL as decimal, the value in US gallons
Package: Utils: MemptrUtil CLASS
Converts the contents of a memptr to a string
- AllocateMemory(INPUT-OUTPUT:memptr,INPUT:integer)
- CopyMemory(INPUT:memptr,INPUT-OUTPUT:memptr,INPUT:integer)
- FromString(INPUT:character,INPUT-OUTPUT:memptr)
- IsNotNull(INPUT:memptr):LOGICAL
- ToString(INPUT:memptr):CHARACTER
- Signature: AllocateMemory(INPUT-OUTPUT:memptr,INPUT:integer)
- Purpose: Allocates memory for a memptr with the specified size
- Return type: VOID
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iopmptrPointer: MEMPTR as memptr, the memptr to allocate memory for
- ipiSize: INTEGER as integer, the size in bytes to allocate
- Signature: CopyMemory(INPUT:memptr,INPUT-OUTPUT:memptr,INPUT:integer)
- Purpose: Copies data from one memptr to another
- Return type: VOID
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipmptrSource: MEMPTR as memptr, the source memptr
- iopmptrTarget: MEMPTR as memptr, the target memptr
- ipiSize: INTEGER as integer, the number of bytes to copy
- Signature: FromString(INPUT:character,INPUT-OUTPUT:memptr)
- Purpose: Converts a string into a memptr
- Return type: VOID
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcData: CHARACTER as character, the string to convert
- iopmptrPointer: MEMPTR as memptr, the memptr to populate with string data
- Signature: IsNotNull(INPUT:memptr):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Determines if the given memptr is not null
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipmptrPointer: MEMPTR as memptr, the memptr to check
- Signature: ToString(INPUT:memptr):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Converts the contents of a memptr to a string
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipmptrPointer: MEMPTR as memptr, the memptr to convert
Package: Unknown Package
No purpose provided
Unknown author
Unknown date
Unknown superclass
- BufferUtil.cls
- CharacterExtentUtil.cls
- DataConversionUtil.cls
- DateUtil.cls
- DecimalExtentUtil.cls
- DecimalUtil.cls
- EmailSenderUnixUtil.cls
- EmailSenderWindowsUtil.cls
- EmailUtil.cls
- FileUtil.cls
- Int64Util.cls
- Integer64ExtentUtil.cls
- IntegerExtentUtil.cls
- IntegerUtil.cls
- ListUtil.cls
- LogicalUtil.cls
- LongcharUtil.cls
- MathUtil.cls
- MeasurementUnitUtil.cls
- MemptrUtil.cls
- QueryUtil.cls
- RegexLinuxUtil.cls
- SessionUtil.cls
- StringUtil.cls
- ValidatorUtil.cls
Package: Utils: QueryUtil CLASS
Appends the sorting expression to the query string
- AddBuffer(INPUT:handle,INPUT:character):HANDLE
- GetExpressionForField(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- GetQuerySort(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- PrepareQuery(INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- SetQuerySort(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Signature: AddBuffer(INPUT:handle,INPUT:character):HANDLE
- Purpose: Adds a buffer to an existing query
- Return type: HANDLE handle
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- iphQuery: HANDLE as handle, the existing query handle
- ipcTableName: CHARACTER as character, the name of the table to add
- Signature: GetExpressionForField(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Retrieves the expression for a specified field in the WHERE clause of the query
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcQuery: CHARACTER as character, the existing query string
- ipcField: CHARACTER as character, the field to locate
- Signature: GetQuerySort(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Retrieves the sort criteria from a given query string
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcQuery: CHARACTER as character, the full query string
- Signature: PrepareQuery(INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Prepares the query with sorting and filtering expressions
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcTableName: CHARACTER as character, the table name
- ipcFilterExpression: CHARACTER as character, the filter expression to add
- ipcSortExpression: CHARACTER as character, the sorting expression to add
- Signature: SetQuerySort(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Appends the sorting expression to the query string
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcQuery: CHARACTER as character, the existing query string
- ipcSortExpression: CHARACTER as character, the sorting expression to add
Package: Utils: RegexLinuxUtil CLASS
Matches a string against a regex pattern using a Linux command
- Signature: MatchRegex(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Matches a string against a regex pattern using a Linux command
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcPattern: CHARACTER as character, the regex pattern to use for matching
- ipcTestString: CHARACTER as character, the string to test against the regex
Package: Utils: SessionUtil CLASS
Sets the numeric format in the session
- GetDateFormat():CHARACTER
- GetNumericFormat():CHARACTER
- GetStartupParameters():CHARACTER
- SetNumericFormat(INPUT:character)
- Signature: GetDateFormat():CHARACTER
- Purpose: Retrieves the current session date format
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Signature: GetNumericFormat():CHARACTER
- Purpose: Retrieves the current numeric format
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Signature: GetStartupParameters():CHARACTER
- Purpose: Retrieves session startup parameters as a single character string
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Signature: SetNumericFormat(INPUT:character)
- Purpose: Sets the numeric format in the session
- Return type: VOID
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcNumericFormat: CHARACTER as character, the desired numeric format for the session
Package: Utils: StringUtil CLASS
Format character to Pascal case
- ContainsNumber(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- IsEmpty(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- IsNotEmpty(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- IsNotNullOrEmpty(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- IsNullOrEmpty(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Quote(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- SetTokenValueInString(INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:integer):CHARACTER
- StartWithLowercase(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- StringToPascalCase(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Signature: ContainsNumber(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if string contains a number
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcString: CHARACTER as character, the string to check
- Signature: IsEmpty(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if string is empty
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcString: CHARACTER as character, the string to check
- Signature: IsNotEmpty(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if string is not empty
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcString: CHARACTER as character, the string to check
- Signature: IsNotNullOrEmpty(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if string is not null nor empty
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcString: CHARACTER as character, the string to check
- Signature: IsNullOrEmpty(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Check if string is null or empty
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcString: CHARACTER as character, the string to check
- Signature: Quote(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Add quotes to a string
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcString: CHARACTER as character, the string to modify.
- Signature: SetTokenValueInString(INPUT:character,INPUT:character,INPUT:integer):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Sets the token value in a token string
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcString: CHARACTER as character, the string to modify
- ipcTokenValue: CHARACTER as character, the token value to set
- ipiPosition: INTEGER as integer, the position of the token to modify
- Signature: StartWithLowercase(INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Lowercase the first letter of a string
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcString: CHARACTER as character, the string to modify
- Signature: StringToPascalCase(INPUT:character,INPUT:character):CHARACTER
- Purpose: Format character to Pascal case
- Return type: CHARACTER character
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcString: CHARACTER as character, the string to modify
- ipcSeparator: CHARACTER as character, the string separator
Package: Utils: ValidatorUtil CLASS
Validates if a URL is in a standard format
- CalculateLuhnChecksum(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- ValidateCreditCardNumber(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- ValidateEmailAddress(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- ValidateIPv4Address(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- ValidateIPv6AddressUnixLibrary(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- ValidatePhoneNumberUnixLibrary(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- ValidateURLUnixLibrary(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Signature: CalculateLuhnChecksum(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Calculates if a credit card number is valid based on the Luhn algorithm
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Parameters:
- ipcCardNumber: CHARACTER as character, the credit card number to validate
- Signature: ValidateCreditCardNumber(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Validates a credit card number using the Luhn algorithm
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcCardNumber: CHARACTER as character, the credit card number to validate
- Signature: ValidateEmailAddress(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Validates if an email address is in a standard format
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcEmail: CHARACTER as character, the email address to validate
- Signature: ValidateIPv4Address(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Validates if an IP address is in a valid IPv4 format
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcIPAddress: CHARACTER as character, the IP address to validate
- Signature: ValidateIPv6AddressUnixLibrary(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Validates if an IP address is in a valid IPv6 format
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcIPAddress: CHARACTER as character, the IPv6 address to validate
- Signature: ValidatePhoneNumberUnixLibrary(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Validates if a phone number is in a standard format
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcPhoneNumber: CHARACTER as character, the phone number to validate
- Signature: ValidateURLUnixLibrary(INPUT:character):LOGICAL
- Purpose: Validates if a URL is in a standard format
- Return type: LOGICAL logical
- Modifiers: PUBLIC STATIC
- Parameters:
- ipcURL: CHARACTER as character, the URL to validate