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Machine learning and Deep learning related projects

Ting-Wei Wu

My side project gallery for collections and refinement.

1. StackBot on telegram
2. Movie Bot with pytorch
3. Movie Bot with keras
4. Image captioning
5. Recurrent Neural Network for Taiwanese song's lyrics generation
6. Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks for Naruto character generation
7. Malaria Cell Prediction
8. Twitter hashtags
9. Mario-in-RL (To be updated)

(You can use downgit to clone any individual project for your interest. And follow the instructions in each to use.)

This is a nlp project modified by the final project of coursera course: advanced machine learning specialization-Natural Language Processing.
It will be put on the telegram messenger supported by amazon web service (AWS) EC2 server and named wayne-bot (waynewu86Bot).

Basically it will do the simple conversations.
it will also serve as a stackoverflow assistant where you can ask it about code questions and it will return stackoverflow related links.

This is a nlp project completely done by Ting-Wei Wu with data preprocessing and pytorch seq2seq model establishment.
There are two kinds of robots for you to choose: MovieBot and ChickBot.
Please find more in the project folder.

Training data are extracted from Cornell Dialogs Movie Corpus and XiaoHuangJi. Detailed descriptions are shown in the in the subfolder.

This is a nlp project completely done by Ting-Wei Wu with data preprocessing and keras seq2seq model establishment.

Training data are extracted from movie_lines.tsv. Detailed descriptions are shown in the jupyter notebook: LHW4-Short-base.ipynb.

This is the CV-NLP related project associated with generating captions for any input image.

There are two different implementation for the applications: pytorch self-realization and modified final project for coursera online course.

It will caption the given image and return a descriptive sentence that depicts the graph.

a logo sign outside of the headquarters

This is a deep learning project completely done by Ting-Wei Wu. Basically, it will generate some intriguing lyrics based on the major taiwanese songs' style. The networks are based on simple RNN model with major three singers.

This is a deep learning project completely done by Ting-Wei Wu. Basically, it simulated the style drawing from Naruto figures to construct new naruto characters by artificial intelligence.

This is a deep learning project with CNN Resnet models from pytorch. Image data are provided via Kaggle dataset: Malaria Cell Images Dataset. The task is to classify cell images into two categories: parasitized or uninfected.

This is a pyspark project that will analyze the most frequent hashtags used by individual users.

This is a reinforcement learing project that will play mario games from gym api interface.


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