Here are two applications for backend server setup with flask and databases: mysql and redis both on docker service.
This is an example of docker containers for flask and mysql connection.
Please follow to the link and get more explanations:
- To use: First open your terminal and locate in flask-mysql folder, then type in:
It will start to build up every service.
- Then, open your browser and type in:
You will first see an empty list for your current data, don't worry!! You can start to interact with the database by adding, updating and deleting the data.
POST: (Add Information)
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"title":"Test", "notify":""}'
PUT: (Update Information)
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"title":"Update", "is_completed":1, "notify":"", "name":"Wayne"}'<id>
GET: (Get Information)
curl -v
curl -v<id>
DELETE: (Delete Information)
curl -v -X DELETE http:/
curl -v -X DELETE http:/<id>
Then you can see some data on your browser. And also you can log in your database by typing in:
docker run -it --rm --network my-network mysql:5.7 sh -c 'exec mysql -h"mysql-server" -P"3306" -uroot -p"secret"'
We store our data in "mysql" database in docker container.
This is an example to send a request with some words to the server, and it will return a list of ten synonyms associated with those words.
- To use: First open your terminal and locate in flask-redis folder, then type in:
It will start to build up every service.
- Then, open your browser and send a request by typing in:[example]
Here [example], you can replace to any words you would like to search.
For example, type will return in a sequence as follows:
["hers", "woman", "mother", "lady", "girl", "mom", "never", "him", "mama", "roxanne"]