This is polymer_ide plugin for vim version 8.0 and above. This plugin unlocks all of the power of the Polymer Analyzer in vim. See Polymer Editor Service for more info, including links to other editor plugins.
- typeahead completions for imported elements, with documentation pic
- typeahead completions for element attributes, with documentation pic
- inline errors (marks on lines) pic
- jump to definition support for custom elements and attributes pic
- Vim version 8.0 and above support;
- node.js;
- UltiSnips(option) for supprots snippets;
- Syntastic(option);
Use your favorite package manager (vim-plug, Vundle, pathogen.vim), or add this directory to your Vim runtime path.
For example, if you're using Vundle, add the following line to ~/.vimrc
Plugin 'webdesus/polymer-ide.vim'
Then go to plugin folder and execute
npm install
If you using vim-plug then you write next
Plug 'webdesus/polymer-ide.vim', { 'do': 'npm install' }
And npm install execute automatically after install plugin.
For work using snippets needed install UltiSnips from this
:h polymer_ide