3D LiDAR point cloud visualization of Auckland New Zealand's Central Business District. Demo here
LiDAR raw data source:
- OpenTopography @ http://opentopo.sdsc.edu/lidarDataset?opentopoID=OTLAS.062016.2193.1 (full LAS/LAZ dataset)
- LINZ Data Service @ https://data.linz.govt.nz/layer/3405-auckland-lidar-1m-dem-2013/ (official DEM/DSM datasets)
Auckland 0.075m Urban Aerial Photos (2012):
- LINZ Data Service @ https://data.linz.govt.nz/layer/1867-auckland-0075m-urban-aerial-photos-2012/
Lidar data processing tools:
- LAStools (specifically lascolor for colouring the LiDAR points, and laspublish to produce the interactive web map) @ https://rapidlasso.com/lastools/