neodenCircuitStudio is a Python3 script for converting Circuit Studio pick and place file output into a NeoDen 3V / 4 machine compatible file.
Use python script near your csv file output / or wherever is convenient --its a single file.
Generate your Pick and place file from either Circuit Studio or Altium. Select CSV, metric output.
Load your PCB on the PNP. Move nozzle/camera x,y to first component listed in your CSV file, write down those coordinates.
python yourpnpoutputfile.csv
The script will ask for the x,y coordinates for the first component listed
then it will generate a *-NEODEN.csv file to take to the PNP machine
This was derived from work done by Michael Moskie 2018--I merely altered it for CS pnpfiles and updated a couple of python 3 commands