A web browser for MacOS 10.7 - 14.1 & Linux.
Built upon the unified XUL platform.
- Tabbed Browsing
- Comprehensive control of Preferences
- Customizable Toolbars
- XUL Overlay and Bootstrap Extension Support
- SeaMonkey Theme Support
- Supports Plug-ins
- Supports the JXL image format
- Supports Flash
- Supports 'dark mode' on supported sites (set via preferences pane)
- Ability to switch profiles
- Multiple Search Engine Providers built in
- Built upon a mature and secure code base
- Privacy respecting. Doesn't 'phone home' like many 'popular' browsers do
- Digital Rights Management (DRM) such as Encrypted Media Extensions (EME)
- WebRTC
- WebExtensions
- Developer tools (some functionality can be added back via an extension)
- Lightweight Themes/Toolbar Backgrounds
- Language Packs (English only)
- The full suite. If you want that check out BrassMonkey
- MS Windows support
adblock latitude - ad blocker
bbcodextra - adds custom tag commands to context menu
bluehell firewall - ad blocker
chatzilla - irc client
cookies exterminator - auto deletes cookies
copy as plain text - copies text w/out formatting
dom inspector - inspects the structure and properties of a window
dorando keyconfig - rebind your keys
download status bar - powerful download manager
down them all - media downloader
email this - adds context menu to 'email this'
ematrix - port of umatrix that blocks scripts, ads, etc
fireftp - ftp client
fireshot - take screen shots of web pages
greasemonkey - user script manager
hit a hint - open links with keyboard shortcuts
https always - encrypt the web
menu wizard - customize your browsers menus
modhresponse - rewrite http response
mouse gestures suite - scroll wheel navigation, page scrolling, tab scrolling
multiple tab handler - manage your tabs
nicereader - similar to readerview
overbiteff - enables the gopher protocol
page navigation buttons - adds a few buttons to help with page navigation
palefill - injects polyfills for various web technologies
pdf-js - html5 pdf reader
private tab - opens a private browsing tab
quicknote - notes extension with advanced features
quick passwords - quickly login and get passwords
seatab - adds a close button to each tab
secret-agent - enhances the privacy of your web surfing
swarth - psuedo dark mode extension
tab clicking options - assign tab related actions to clicking events
torrent tornado - torrent client
uBlock0rigin - ad blocker
user agent switcher - self explanitory
web developer - adds some extra easy to access functions
website navigation bar - reintroduces SeaMonkeys navigation bar
world ip - geo add-on with security features and advanced network tools
All the extensions listed above are found in the SeaLion-Extras.zip
- kilome
- modern2
- orthodox
- pinball
- littlemonkey
- gnomerunner (linux only)
You can also drag your extension icons to the component bar (lower left) instead of having them on the tool bar for a cleaner look.
GnomeRunner Linux theme - Uses GTK theme style and icons
The 'default theme' even though on first start it will use Gray Modern by default
PowerPC Linux build is compatible with 32-bit Debian 12 / Fienix 6 / MintPPC