A markdown-it plugin to process caml -- Colon Attribute Markup Language.
Note that this plugin only parses the input -- it is up to you to handle and store metadata.
🕸 Weave a semantic web in your 🎋 WikiBonsai digital garden.
Install with npm:
npm install markdown-it-caml
import markdownIt from 'markdown-it';
import caml_plugin from 'markdown-it-caml';
const md = markdownIt();
let opts = {};
md.use(caml_plugin, opts);
Require style imports work as well:
const caml_plugin = require('markdown-it-caml');
// if you encounter issues, try:
const caml_plugin = require('markdown-it-caml').default;
For syntax specifications, see the caml repo.
These are options wikiattrs-specific options.
A boolean property that toggles parsing and rendering wikiattrs on/off.
A boolean property that toggles rendering wikiattrs on/off. This is useful in the scenario where wikiattrs are used for metadata and not for display purposes; like a yaml-stand-in.
A string to be rendered in the wikiattrs' attrbox.
CSS classnames may be overridden here.
Classname for wikiattrs. Default is attr
Classname for the wikiattr attrbox. Default is attrbox
Classname for the wikiattr attrbox title. Default is attrbox-title