Analysis of the 3rd running of the search relevance surveys (T175048).
Since T178096 is done, apply the roles discovery::learner
or discovery::allstar_cruncher
to instances on Wikimedia Cloud (formerly Wikimedia Labs).
# Essentials:
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "caret", "MLmetrics", "mlbench"))
# For bnclassify:
biocLite(c("RBGL", "Rgraphviz"))
# Classifiers:
install.packages(c("xgboost", "C50", "klaR", "e1071", "randomForest", "bnclassify", "keras"))
# Metanalysis:
- Tune & train a bunch of classifiers (thanks, caret!)
- Figure out which sets of features yield the best predictive performance
- Investigate a multi-level approach based on Discernatron reliability (sort of?)
- Investigate a stacking / super learning approach
- Investigate how many responses & impressions we need to get reliable score estimates
- Write-up
- Data
- pageviews.R uses the Wikimedia Analytics Pageviews API to fetch a month worth of daily pageview counts for the relevant articles
- events.R fetches the survey data from Event Logging database
- discernatron.R fetches relevance scores from Discernatron's API
- data.R combines fetched pageviews, survey data, and Discernatron scores into complete datasets
- Model Tuning & Training via models.R
- Outputs
- keras.R has the code for training a deep neural network with Keras and outputs
- Outputs
- Model Evaluation via evaluate.R
- Outputs
- Note that keras.R computes accuracy as part of the training process
- Outputs
To use the final model for predicting relevance of any query-page combination from users' survey responses, please refer to these instructions.