How to convert a spreadsheet based glossary (column 1 'term', column 2 'description') into ChromeCast based flash cards...
- Spreadsheet with 2 columns ('term', 'description') that comprises your 'glossary'.
- Save as CSV
- From the root folder of this repo run 'php main.php [CSV file name] [Desired output file name]' e.g. 'php main.php glossary.csv flash-cards' - This will then produce a flash-cards.pptx (as well as a flash-cards.odp for compatibility reasons)
- Open this PPTX file or ODP file and export all slides to PNG or JPEG format.
- Upload these images to your Google Photos account and add them to a suitable folder e.g. 'Flash Cards'
- Set up your ChromeCast to show this folder of photos as the backdrop images (
- Grab a beverage, sit back, and watch your ChromeCast regularly for easy revision!