For better clusteing and visualizing the time series gene expression data of RNA-SEQ with fuzzy c-means algorithm from e1071 package or Kmeans from ComplexHeatmap package, the function blockwiseModules from WGCNA package outputs also can be accepted and can be used to produce graphs for visualization. Here supply ClusterGVis package to cluster and visualize time-serie gene expression data in a more concise and elegant way with one-step operation. You can also do enrichment analysis for each clusters with using clusterProfiler in enrichCluster function. ClusterGVis allows you to create publication-quality figures.
Thanks for the contributions for clusterProfiler, Mfuzz and ComplexHeatmap!
You can install the development version of transPlotR like so:
# Note: please update your ComplexHeatmap to the latest version!
# install.packages("devtools")
Jun Zhang (2022). ClusterGVis: One-step to Cluster and Visualize Gene Expression Matrix.