Pong-like game depicting the struggle between a bee and a wasp over a tulip.
- Krita
- SDL Documentation
- SDL Wiki
- Lazy Foo' Productions
- "Let's Make a Game" by Avery Reed
For this project, I initially drew all of the images I intended to use. However, after begining to code, it became obvious that I would need additional materials. Therefore, while I still will not be including my own art (at least not initially) I can not take credit for the art I obtained from additional sources such as Upsplash and other royalty free sites. Please see below for a more exhustive list of media contributions.
- Parchment Paper Background by Ivan Gromov on Unsplash: https://tinyurl.com/tfzdxap
- May Queen Regular (Font) by Divdie By Zero: https://www.1001fonts.com/may-queen-font.html
- Scriptina Font by Apostrophic Labs: https://www.1001fonts.com/scriptina-font.html
Works not listed above were most likely created by me. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
For code created by me a general MIT license is applicable. For material created by other artists/creators, please see their relative liscenses' and details.