When activated, this Autohotkey script will move the mouse pointer by one pixel each 30 seconds and back to its original position hence not disturbing user's flow. This will keep the computer awake (RedBull mode) and prevent Teams from going to the "Away" status. For convenience, some other shortcuts are added to quickly switch Teams status or save some typing 😉. The shortcuts can be activated using normal numeric keys or from the numpad. The bin folder contains the compiled script, hence no need to install Autohotkey.
Toggle keyboard mapping. When keyboard mapping is enabled:
- Escape key acts as copy
- F1 key acts as paste
- F2 key acts as cut
Keyborad mapping is a convenience for quick copy/cut/paste with some not often used keys. It's useful for those who do intensive use of copy/paste.
Toggle RedBull mode, a notification will pop to indicate the new status. By hovering the tray icon, user can also know the current status.
Sets Teams status to Busy
Sets Teams status to Available
Sets Teams status to Do not disturb
Sets Teams status to Away
Sets Teams status to Offline
Sets Teams status to Be right back
Types I'm good thank you, I hope you're doing fine too in the active text box
Types I hope you're doing well, in the active text box
Types How are you? I hope you're doing fine in the active text box