Changes since 2.0.9
- PHP:
- ⭐️ Added PHP 8.3 (no imagick)
- ⭐️ Added opentelemetry extension
- ⭐️ GRPC extension returned
- ⬆️ Updated to 8.3.1, 8.2.14, 8.1.27
- ⬆️ Updated extensions:
- xdebug 3.3.1
- ds 1.5.0
- apcu 1.5.23
- mongodb 1.17.1
- brotli 0.14.2
- amqp 2.1.1 (from 1.x)
- ast 1.1.1
- igbinary 3.2.15
- smbclient 1.1.1
- 🛠 PHP extensions libraries now stripped out of debug symbols
- 🪦 Dropped PHP 8.0 (EOL)
- MariaDB:
- ⭐️ Added MariaDB 11.2
- ⭐️ Returned
variants - 🏔 Alpine Linux updated to 3.18 and 3.16 (for 10.4)
- ⬆️ Elasticsearch, Kibana 7.17.16
- ⬆️ Node.js 18.19.0
- 🏔 Alpine Linux updated to 3.19 for most of the images
Update instructions
Update your .env