QuAnalyzer is another project I started almost 10 years ago and used for my own... and then forgot a little bit. I partly rewrote it and migrated it to .NET Core 3.1 (now .NET 6) before deciding to push it as an open source initiative.
This application goal is to provide easy tooling around data management and exploration, such as:
- A complete data viewer with sorting / grouping abilities
- Data comparison from heterogenous sources (for instance a database versus a CSV or XLSX file)
- Statistics and automatic pattern analysis
- Monitoring (including a performance test)
- ...
Various data sources can be used (database, web service query, CSV/Xlsx, ...) and can be parameterized through the UI, making it easier to manage those.
Releases will be published once the app reaches a stable state, so don't expect one before at least mid-2022.
As of now I've to double check that Providers are all OK (since I updated the underlying logic) and I should improve the Monitoring page. And of course I still have some known issues to deal with 😅
QuAnalyzer relies on my Wokhan.Data.Providers libraries to access data, which in turn uses .NET LINQ's IQueryable features (meaning that everytime it's possible, a LINQ-to-whatever expression is built, allowing ordering, filtering, grouping... to occur on the server side for database accesses, for instance).
About screen
Data viewer with drag & drop based aggregations and filtering