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refactor Pretty.jl

WooKyoung Noh edited this page Oct 1, 2020 · 1 revision

Tablize Vector{<:NamedTuple}
module Pretty # Octo

settings = Dict{Symbol, Any}(
    :pretty => true,
    :nrows => 20,
    :colsize => 30,

const pretty_settings_keys = (:nrows, :colsize)

    Pretty.set(pretty::Bool=true; kwargs...)

Set the display options for `Vector{<:NamedTuple}` rows.

julia> Pretty.set(nrows = 10)     # limit number of the rows

julia> Pretty.set(colsize = 10)   # limit column size

julia> Pretty.set(false)          # do or don't use pretty

""" function set(pretty::Bool=true; kwargs...) for (k, v) in kwargs if k in pretty_settings_keys && v isa Int && v > 0 settings[k] = v end end settings[:pretty] = pretty settings end

""" Pretty.table(nts::Vector{<:NamedTuple})::String """ function table(nts::Vector{<:NamedTuple})::String buf = IOBuffer() show(buf, MIME"text/plain"(), nts) String(take!(buf)) end

""" Pretty.table(nt::NamedTuple)::String """ function table(nt::NamedTuple)::String buf = IOBuffer() show(buf, MIME"text/plain"(), nt) String(take!(buf)) end

function _regularize_text(str::String, padding::Int)::String s = escape_string(str) if textwidth(s) < padding padded_str = rpad(s, padding) if textwidth(padded_str) > padding else return padded_str end end n = 0 a = Char[] for (idx, x) in enumerate(s) n += textwidth(x) push!(a, x) if n > padding - 1 break end end newstr = join(a) if length(s) == length(a) && padding > textwidth(newstr) news = newstr npad = padding - textwidth(newstr) else newdiff = textwidth(s) - textwidth(newstr) if padding < textwidth(newstr) || newdiff > 0 && length(a) >= 2 newstr = join(a[1:end-2]) newpad = padding - textwidth(newstr) news = string(newstr, fill('.', newpad)...) else news = newstr end npad = padding - textwidth(news) end string(news, npad > 0 ? join(fill(' ', npad)) : "") end

function print_empty_row(io::IO) printstyled(io, "empty", color=:cyan) printstyled(io, " row.") end

function fetched_info(io::IO, ncols::Int, real_nrows::Int, limit_nrows::Int) if iszero(real_nrows) if iszero(ncols) printstyled(io, "(;)") else print_empty_row(io) end else printstyled(io, "\n") printstyled(io, real_nrows, color=:cyan) printstyled(io, " row", real_nrows == 1 ? "" : 's', '.', real_nrows > limit_nrows ? ".." : "") end end

function print_header(io::IO, ncols::Int, colnames::Tuple, padfuncs::Tuple, paddings::Vector{Int}) (boldone, boldtwo) = (false, false) header_spike(io, "| ", boldone) for colidx in 1:ncols printstyled(io, do_pad(padfuncs[colidx], colnames[colidx], paddings[colidx]), color=:cyan) ncols != colidx && header_spike(io, " | ", boldone) end header_spike(io, " |\n", boldone) header_spike(io, "| ", boldtwo) for colidx in 1:ncols header_spike(io, join(fill('-', paddings[colidx])), boldtwo) ncols != colidx && header_spike(io, " | ", boldtwo) end header_spike(io, " |\n", boldtwo) end

function do_pad(::Any, el::String, padding::Int) _regularize_text(el, padding) end

function do_pad(padfunc, el::Any, padding::Int) padfunc(el, padding) end

header_spike(io::IO, tree, bold::Bool) = printstyled(io, tree, bold=bold)

row_spike(io::IO, tree, bold::Bool) = printstyled(io, tree, bold=bold)

function print_named_tuple_vector(io::IO, nts::Vector{<:NamedTuple}; show_fetched_info::Bool=true) limit_nrows = settings[:nrows] limit_colsize = settings[:colsize] first_typeof_nts_parameters = first(typeof(nts).parameters) if first_typeof_nts_parameters === NamedTuple print_empty_row(io) return end colnames = fieldnames(first_typeof_nts_parameters) ncols = length(colnames) real_nrows = length(nts) if isempty(nts) local paddings = collect((length ∘ string).(colnames) .+ 2) !iszero(ncols) && print_header(io, ncols, colnames, ntuple( -> rpad, ncols), paddings) fetched_info(io, ncols, real_nrows, limit_nrows) return end first_row = (values ∘ first)(nts) nrows = min(limit_nrows, real_nrows) A = vcat(map(v -> vcat(v...), nts[1:nrows])...) rt = reshape(A, ncols, nrows) paddings = maximum((length ∘ string).(rt), dims=2) paddings = [maximum(x) for x in zip(paddings, (length ∘ string).(colnames))] .+ 2 for (colidx, el) in enumerate(first_row) if el isa String paddings[colidx] = min(max(limit_colsize, (length ∘ string)(colnames[colidx])), paddings[colidx]) end end padfuncs = (x -> x isa Number ? lpad : rpad).(first_row) print_header(io, ncols, colnames, padfuncs, paddings) for rowidx in 1:nrows row = nts[rowidx] bold = isodd(rowidx) row_spike(io, "| ", bold) for (colidx, el) in enumerate(values(row)) print(io, do_pad(padfuncs[colidx], el, paddings[colidx])) ncols != colidx && row_spike(io, " | ", false) end row_spike(io, " |", false) nrows != rowidx && println(io) end show_fetched_info && fetched_info(io, ncols, real_nrows, limit_nrows) end

function, mime::MIME"text/plain", nts::Vector{<:NamedTuple}) if settings[:pretty] _print_named_tuple_vector(io, nts) else, nts) end end

function, mime::MIME"text/plain", nt::NamedTuple) if !isempty(nt) && settings[:pretty] _print_named_tuple_vector(io, [nt]; show_fetched_info=false) else, nt) end end

end # module Octo.Pretty

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