π tmux, neovim, hyper, oh-my-zsh - configuration files for sweet web coding
This is all config that give me all necessary stuff to easily write code for my web projects. This repo includes configuration for:
- Hyper - as main terminal to work
- Tmux - to simplify work proccess
- Nvim - as main ide
- oh-my-zsh - to customize my shell
For main colorscheme i use Macchiato theme by catppuccin to all.
Neovim powered by lazy.nvim as plugin manager.
- Javascript typescript
- ReactJS
- Docker Docker Compose
- Autocomplete
- Suggestions
- Formatting
- Autopairs
- Linting
- Beauty UI
- alpha - custom dashboard ui
- autopairs - autopairs
"" | {} | [] | ''
- barbar - bufferline
- LuaSnip - for snippets
- nvim-cmp - autosuggestions
- catppuccin/nvim - colorsheme
- emmet-vim - emmet
- conform - formatting
- nvim-lint - linting
- mason - for install lsp
- mason-tool-installer - automatically install packages in mason
- nvim-lspconfig - use lsp in nvim
- mason-lspconfig.nvim - connect mason and lsp
- lualine - bottom line
- neo-tree - file tree
- noice - beauty ui to cmd and notify
- telescope - add a lot of functions for work with git, files and etc with nice ui
- telescope-ui-select.nvim - add beauty ui to autocommand to telescope
- nvim-treesitter - basic functionality such as highlighting and etc
This configs inspired by: