VX-LOG is a data acquisition client based on Nxlog,and it will has some useful feature where NXLOG community version not has,such as line-number info for im-file
module. and im_kafka
and om_kafka
line-number Info:line-number is a useful info when we collect data from file.we can use line-number info to do something like search log arround n line
make sure sigar is installed
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/hyperic/sigar.git
./autogen.sh && ./configure && make CFLAGS=-fgnu89-inline && sudo make install
im_mark Input Module used to monitor agent status,But Nxlog provide info is not enough,so VX-LOG add VX-LOG cpu usage and memory usage
Fields | Desc |
MemoryUsage | VX-LOG Memory Usage |
CpuUsage | VX-LOG Cpu Usage |
SystemName | Current System Name |
SystemVersion | Current System Version |
Thanks https://github.com/filipealmeida/nxlog-kafka-output-module
provide Kafka Output Module,VX-Log integrate nxlog-kafka-output-module default.
Download and install librdkafka,and Compile VX-LOG
git clone https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka.git
cd librdkafka
sudo make install
Kafka Output
<Output outKafka>
Module om_kafka
BrokerList localhost:9092,otherhost.example.com:9092
Topic test
#-- Partition <number> - defaults to RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA
#-- Compression, one of none, gzip, snappy
Compression gzip
Kafka Input
<Input im_kafka>
Module im_kafka
Topic test
Compression gzip
Option group.id vxnlog
Partition 4 #default is 0
- Multi SQL for Database Input
- Fake Template for testgen Input