Today is the first time I post this binary to Apple,Also it is the first time be reject by Apple! And there is the image below!
what a fuck !
My app's function is so little, less then the minx functions judged by Apple.
OK, I will try the next time!
The second time was also failed , and there is the image bellow:
what is the hell!
The third time was also failed , and there is the image bellow:
what is the hell!
tomorrow i will do this again。really。。
However so many times I have been rejected by Apple, I know my app realy has some questions, I am not angry with it. I have sellected some blogs that also with these problems. Here are these links:
IOS 发布被拒 3.2 f : http://www.cnblogs.com/foreverfendou/p/6867574.html
关于苹果审核被拒PLA1.2,ipv6被拒该如何解决 http://www.jianshu.com/p/c1f25e1747e2
金融类APP常见被拒绝原因分析及解决 : http://www.woshipm.com/operate/746939.html