- copy the "data" folder generated by the export_weight.py in to the root directory
- relpace the "CONV_x_INC_BIT_NEW" and "CONV_x_BIAS_BIT_NEW" macro with the new value printed by the export_weight.py in src/config.h
- run "make clean && make genweight && ./genweight.out" to generated the new src/weights.hpp
- run "make genweight" generate new weight file
- run "make test" to compile test
- run "./test" to generate output feature for the ultranet conv and dsp6 conv fun
- run "diff conv_ultranet_out.txt conv_dsp6_out.txt" to check correctness
- run "vivado_hls hw_script/hls_single.tcl" with vivado_hls 2019.2