Portfolio app, it shows my applications and video edits.
It consists of a frontend application built in React.js and backend server builded in Express.js.
Information are stored in the mongoDB database.
Online address: https://thecatrix.eu
Git resources: https://github.com/xmNuc/thecatrix.eu-portfolio-website-fullstack
To deploy this project run:
npm install
yarn install
npm start
npm run build
Client: "react", "redux", "axios", "jwt-decode", "react-bootstrap", "react-dom", "react-file-base64", "react-google-login", "react-intersection-observer", "react-player", "react-redux", "react-router-dom", "react-router-hash-link", "react-scripts", "redux", "redux-thunk", "web-vitals".
Server: Express.js, Node.js, Dotenv, Jsonwebtoken, MongoDb as a dataBase.
Jakub D. xmnuc@o2.pl