CompNet: Competitive Neural Network for Palmprint Recognition Using Learnable Gabor Kernels
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Paper: online
Supplementary Material: pdf
Publicly Available Datasets: Tongji, IITD, REST, NTU, XJTU-UP
Fig. 2.1 CB17x17_Gabor feature maps obtained at different epochs
Fig. 2.2 CB17x17_SCC feature maps obtained at different epochs
Fig. 2.3 CB7x7_Conv1 feature maps obtained at different epochs
Fig. 2.4 CB17x17_Conv2 feature maps obtained at different epochs
Each row represents feature maps obtained from one ROI image, and each column corresponds to a single feature channel.
Recommanded hardware requirement for training:
- GPU Mem
$\gt$ 6G - CPU Mem
$\geq$ 16G (32G is recommended for highspeed data augmentation)
Software development environment:
- cuda&cudnn&gpu-driver
: download & installPyTorch
: installation command lines are as followsconda create -n compnet python=3.8 conda activate compnet conda install pytorch==1.7.0 torchvision==0.8.0 torchaudio==0.7.0 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch pip install -r requirements.txt
could be found at the root folder of this project- for PyTorch 1.7 with other CUDA versions, please refer to the official pytorch installation commands
- the speed of different network servers and conda sources varies a lot when install the above packages
- for more details of the software environment, pls refer to the
pip list
rst - version selection strategy: pytorch->cuda->cudnn
Other tested versions:
- cuda: 10.2 / 11.0
- cudnn: /
- pytorch: 1.2 / 1.7
- torchvision: 0.4 / 0.8
- python: 3.7.4 / 3.8.19
- opencv: 3.2.7 /
- numpy: 1.16.4 / 1.24.3
- scikit-learn: 0.21.3 / 1.0.2
- scipy: 1.3.1 / 1.10.1
: path of the training set (e.g., Tongji session1)path2
: path of the testing set (e.g., Tongji session2)
- Tongji: 600, IITD: 460, REST: 358, XJTU-UP: 200, KTU: 145
cd path/to/CompNet/
#in the CompNet folder:
#prepare data
cp ./data/for_reference/ ./data/
#where xxx is the dataset name, e.g., tongji =>
Modify the DB path variable in ./data/
#the sample naming format should be consistent with the script's requirements
#generate the training and testing data sets
python ./data/
mv ./train.txt ./data/
mv ./test.txt ./data/
#train the network
#test the model
#obtain the genuine-impostor matching score distribution curve
python ./rst/veriEER/scores_xxx.txt scores_xxx
#obtain the EER and the ROC curve
python ./rst/veriEER/scores_xxx.txt scores_xxx
The .pth
file will be generated at the current folder, and all the other results will be generated in the ./rst
🗞️tips: GPU -> CPU (more details):
# training on GPU, test on CPU
torch.load('net_params.pth', map_location='cpu')
(cb1): CompetitiveBlock(
(gabor_conv2d): GaborConv2d()
(argmax): Softmax(dim=1)
(conv1): Conv2d(9, 32, kernel_size=(5, 5), stride=(1, 1))
(maxpool): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)
(conv2): Conv2d(32, 12, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1))
(cb2): CompetitiveBlock(
(gabor_conv2d): GaborConv2d()
(argmax): Softmax(dim=1)
(conv1): Conv2d(9, 32, kernel_size=(5, 5), stride=(1, 1))
(maxpool): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)
(conv2): Conv2d(32, 12, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1))
(cb3): CompetitiveBlock(
(gabor_conv2d): GaborConv2d()
(argmax): Softmax(dim=1)
(conv1): Conv2d(9, 32, kernel_size=(5, 5), stride=(1, 1))
(maxpool): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)
(conv2): Conv2d(32, 12, kernel_size=(1, 1), stride=(1, 1))
(fc): Linear(in_features=9708, out_features=512, bias=True)
(drop): Dropout(p=0.25, inplace=False)
(arclayer): ArcMarginProduct()
🌻If it helps you, we would like you to cite the following paper:🌱
author={Liang, Xu and Yang, Jinyang and Lu, Guangming and Zhang, David},
journal={IEEE Signal Processing Letters},
title={CompNet: Competitive Neural Network for Palmprint Recognition Using Learnable Gabor Kernels},
Xu Liang, Jinyang Yang, Guangming Lu and David Zhang, "CompNet: Competitive Neural Network for Palmprint Recognition Using Learnable Gabor Kernels," in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 28, pp. 1739-1743, 2021, doi: 10.1109/LSP.2021.3103475.
This project is under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license. See LICENSE for details.
Portions of the research use the REST'2016 Database collected by the Research Groups in Intelligent Machines, University of Sfax, Tunisia. We would also like to thank the organizers (IITD, Tongji, REgim, XJTU, and NTU) for allowing us to use their datasets.
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[7] PyTorch API Documents: