The (n)vim wrapper for settle.
- title and tag autocompletion, triggered by
- automatic updating of Zettel which you edit with vim
- following links under cursor and even backlinks
- Zettel creation, be it in command mode, be it interactively, or be it from the wikilink under cursor
- opening FZF on the search results of
settle query
- finding notes with the tag under cursor
- opening a graph of the entire Zettelkasten with
- four handy textobjects:
for "inside wikilink",al
for "around wikilink",it
for "inside tag" (root tag without subtags) andat
for "around tag" (entire tag, with all subtags)
- Vim or NeoVim. I've only used it with NVIM v0.6.0 and afterwards, but it should work with earlier versions as well without any problem.
- optional:
, if you're going to use graphs
cd ~/.vim
mkdir bundle
cd bundle
git clone
Add the following line to your vimrc:
Plug 'xylous/settle.vim'
Then source your vimrc and run :PlugInstall
Add the following line to your vimrc:
Plugin 'xylous/settle.vim'
And then run vim +PluginInstall +qall
in a shell.
Ideally, you should make mappings for the commands that this plugin exports, as none are made by default.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.