- All operating systems (OS) and applications (App) mentioned in this project, their licenses belong to the original product providers respectively.
- The configuration files in project will trigger the downloads of certain OS (i.e., Ubuntu and Windows) and certain App (i.e., Java and Chrome) from Vagrant, Docker and OS/App providers.
- You need to agree to the original license agreements with the original product providers directly. This project does not assume any 3rd party licensing responsibility.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
This project contains Vagrant and Docker configuration files for a few general purpose operating systems that can be deployed locally in desktop environment or in the cloud.
The main purpose of this project is to provide easy-to-use VMs for E2E QA Automation.
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, vagrant and docker
- Windows 10, vagrant only
- Windows 7, vagrant only
We may add additional systems in the future as needed. Contributions are very welcomed.
- Windows 10, Mac OS 10 or Ubuntu 18.04 with reasonable RAM (16G+) and HD space (500G+)
- VirtualBox 6.0.0
- Vagrant 2.2.3
- Vagrant Plugins
- vagrant-vbguest
- vagrant-ca-certificates
- vagrant-timezone
- vagrant-proxyconf (optional)
- Any Cloud system that supports Linux Docker
The project path of $HOME/Projects and ~/Projects are used through out, and is shared into VMs via Vagrant and Docker configurations, therefore a main directory called Projects should be created under the user's home directory, and this and other related projects should be checkout into the Projects directory. The main benefit of sharing the Projects directory with the VMs is easy exchange of code between the host and VMs.
- Install VirtualBox
$ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian $(lsb_release -cs) contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list'
$ wget -q https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox_2016.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
$ wget -q https://www.virtualbox.org/download/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install virtualbox-6.1
- Install VirtualBox Extension Package
$ VirtualBoxVersion=$(virtualbox --help | head -1 | sed 's/.*v//')
$ wget "https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/${VirtualBoxVersion}/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-${VirtualBoxVersion}.vbox-extpack"
$ sudo VBoxManage extpack install --replace Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-${VirtualBoxVersion}.vbox-extpack
- Install Vagrant
$ VagrantVersion=2.2.7
$ wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/2.2.7/vagrant_${VagrantVersion}_x86_64.deb && sudo apt install vagrant_${VagrantVersion}_x86_64.deb
- Install Vagrant Plugins
$ sudo vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
$ sudo vagrant plugin install vagrant-ca-certificates
$ sudo vagrant plugin install vagrant-timezone
- Follow/Convert the general steps above in your own OS
- Verify ssh-keygen command permission, execute following command:
$ ssh-keygen
- If ssh-keygen not found, please ensure openssh is properly installed when setting up cygwin
- If permission denied error, please refer to troubleshooting section before proceed
- Create directory with name Projects under C:/Users/your_username/, and run following commands:
$ cd ~/Projects
$ git clone https://github.com/xyteam/xyPlatform.git
$ git clone https://github.com/xyteam/AutoBDD.git
- If you want to build platform from scratch, refer to this Build from scratch Guideline
- If you want to build platform from pre-built vagrant box, refer to this Build from box Guideline
- To build the platform from scratch, run following commands:
$ cd ~/Projects/xyPlatform/lubuntu
- edit config.yaml for desired CPU/Memory and synced folder line format
$ VAGRANT_LOG=INFO vagrant up l1804Base 2>&1 | tee vagrant.log
- Vagrant up will take roughly 20-40 minutes depending on your internet speed
- Please ensure your laptop does not go to sleep or disconnected from network while running this command
- If you hit into any error, please refer to troubleshooting section
$ vagrant reload l1804Base
(Only required for initial setup)- You should be able to see UI screen with login prompt
- Login with username vagrant and password vagrant
- Screen Resolution configuration
- Maximize your linux box → View → Virtual Screen 1 → Resize to 1920x1200
- View → Scaled Mode
- To build docker image, go to Lubuntu box (or ssh into it) and run following commands:
$ cd ~/Projects/xyPlatform/lubuntu
$ sudo docker build --tag xyplatform:lubuntu1804 --file Dockerfile1804 .
→ to build docker image from specified dockerfile$ sudo docker images
→ Verify if xyplatform and ubuntu docker image is created
- To setup Jenkins
- Access Jenkins from host at http://localhost:2880 or from lubuntu Chrome browser at http://localhost:8080
- Install all recommended plugins and setup jenkins credential with xyAdmin and xyPassword
- Once completed, go to Setup Verification section
(Optional) To build the platform from pre-built vagrant box
After you have built the VM and configured it for your application, you can repackage the VM into a box and save it for future use.
$ vagrant package --base l1804Base --output l1804Desktop.box
$ cd ~/Projects/xyPlatform/lubuntu
- Ensure your Vagrant-Box is located in this directory
- Edit config.yaml for desired CPU/Memory and synced folder line format
- Edit Vagrantfile to have following config under boxes = [...] section (assume your box-name is l1804Desktop.box)
{:name => "l1804Desktop", :box_name => 'l1804Desktop', :box_url => 'l1804Desktop.box', :ssh_host_port=>2022, :http80=>2080, :http8080=>2880, :http8082=>2882, :http3000=>2300, :http8000=>2800}
$ VAGRANT_LOG=INFO vagrant up l1804Desktop 2>&1 | tee vagrant.log
- Vagrant up will take roughly 3-5 minutes
- Please ensure your laptop does not go to sleep while running this command
- Login with username vagrant and password vagrant
- If you hit into any error, please refer to troubleshooting section
Once completed, go to Setup Verification section
- In your Lubuntu box, verify following:
$ DISPLAY=:0 xdpyinfo | grep dimensions
→ should returns 1920x1200$ mvn -version
→ able to return maven version$ sudo docker version
→ able to return docker version$ cd ~/Projects/
→ this folder should in-sync with your windows host (%userprofile%/Projects/)$ DISPLAY=:0 google-chrome
→ launch chrome browser$ sudo docker images
→ should returns 2 entries with name xyplatform and ubuntu
Error | Resolutions |
configure_docker_proxy.rb:50:in write': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen -/tmp/vagrant-proxyconf-docker-config.json (Errno::ENOENT) | Uninstall proxyconf plugin with vagrant plugin uninstall vagrant-proxyconf |
-bash: /usr/bin/ssh-keygen: Permission denied | *) Generate key using PuTTYgen with key 4096 and comment xyPlatform *) copy generated public key into file ~/Projects/xyPlatform/global/platform_id_rsa.pub *) Conversion → Export OpenSSH Key → ~/Projects/xyPlatform/global/platform_id_rsa *) Open Vagrantfile under ../xyPlatform/lubuntu/ and comment out lines trigger.info = checking... and trigger.run = {path:...} |
Unable to sync between %userprofile%/Projects/ (windows) with ~/Projects/ (linux) directory | *) Install VirtualBox Extension Pack *) run vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest |
VBoxManage.exe: error: VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DISABLED) | *) Enable Virtualization Technology (VTx) and Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VTd) from your BIOS setting *) open Turn Windows features on or off and disable Hyper-V features. & *) run systeminfo to verify virtualization is enabled |
UI not visible, Docker/maven/java/chrome/... not available | *) Ensure there is no network loss and laptop doesn't goes to sleep during vagrant up *) run vagrant reload right after the vagrant up completed before doing other thing such as restart laptop etc.. |
The version of powershell currently installed on this host is less than the required minimum version. | *) Download and install Windows6.1-KB2506143-x64.msu from Here *) Open windows Powershell and run $PSVersionTable.PSVersion to verify the Major version is now >=3 |
C:/HashiCorp/Vagrant/embedded/mingw64/lib/ruby/2.4.0/resolv.rb:784:in `[]=': incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT (Encoding::CompatibilityError) | *) Open the resolv.rb file located at the mentioned location in the error *) Edit line 784, replace request[0,2] = [id].pack('n') to request[0,2] = [id].pack('U') |
Segmentation fault when running vagrant from cygwin | *) Uninstall vagrant and delete .vagrant.d directory *) Delete all your cygwin directory *) Reinstall cygwin and vagrant |
Additional information and steps are provided in individual README files.
Reference to the README files inside the lubuntu directory.
Reference to the README files inside the windows10 and windows7 directories respectively.