With this package you can define your own data contracts strictly and define data validations and pre-processing steps which will insure data integrity and capable of serializing to-and-from JSON format. #yahaha ##yahaha2
from serializer import Interface
class IP(Interface):
# Declaring data type validations
ip_address = str
host_name = str
class Record(Interface):
user_name = str
age = int
ip = IP
# Pre-processors to standardize data
def __user_name__(value):
return value.capitalize()
args = {
'user_name': 'ximi',
'age': 21,
'ip': IP(ip_address='', host_name='localhost')
request = Record(**args)
print ("Serializing from Object to JSON: \n", request.serialize())
# Serializing from Object to JSON:
# {'user_name': 'Ximi', 'age': 21, 'ip': {'ip_address':'', 'host_name': 'localhost'}}
args = {
'user_name': 'ximi',
'age': 21,
'ip': {
'ip_address': '',
'host_name': 'localhost'
request = Record(**args)
print ("Serialise with Reverse type conversion: \n", request.serialize())
# Serialise with Reverse type conversion:
# {'user_name': 'Ximi', 'age': 21, 'ip': {'ip_address': '', 'host_name': 'localhost'}}